What is the difference between stub & Driver? which is needed in Top Up & Bottom Down Testing?
2 8019Post New ICICI Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Q.No.1) I paid Salary to our staff after deduction TDS. what is the journal entry pass at that time of payment of salary only, and then at the time of payment of tds. and the last date for payment of TDS Q.No.2) Suppose I paid Salary In advance due to that officer is take business tour at the end of the month in after deducting TDS. Now What is the journal entry Salary Advance & Payment of TDS. and when i will pay TDS for This Situation. Kindly Help me
Is angular 7 stable version?
Why aws lambda is used ?
How to Convert from Long to Short file names and paths ?
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what should be sensor sensitivity of accelerometer in vibration? And what is the main difference between accelerometer and proximity sensors and others?
How do we print “
creates a new line in html” in jsp?
What are the default page margins in a microsoft word 2010 document?
How do I use f12 in chrome?
What is bash used for?
What is the main purpose of triggers in database?
what is the ratio of Rf &R1 in wean bridge oscillator