What do you understand by the term Charge back?
i have doubt suppose iam purly working in QTP, when i will work on sql and performence testing? pls any one clarify doubt?
Is visual c++ the same as c++?
what is the meaning of degreasing of the euipment or line.
When will you automate a test?
What is api level in android?
What is a logic gate?
How do I open java console?
What does mysqli_fetch_assoc do?
What do you know about the historical background of Development Financial Institutions (DFIs)?
What is mockito in junit?
What are the defects found in testing banking domain?
How do you define a function in scala?
I've just started to work as an accounts executive and intending to take up SAP. Can anyone tell me what are the preparations required for me as an accountant to be a successful SAP consultant.
How to tell firebird to only accept conections from xyz host or network?