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IBM Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 505806

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 60944

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 52973

Difference between QA and Testing?

13 42192

What is your career goal and career plans ?

55 380390

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118641

Difference between Overloading and Overriding?

35 197526

What is the difference between Class and Structure?

40 220600

How to communicate between difference process?

2 9236

What are counting semaphores?

4 14177

What are the differences between public, private, and protected access?

12 72826

what usually indicates that ur virtual user script has dynamic data that is dependent on u parameterized fields?

2 9571

What is Regression Testing?

22 25466

what is debugging and whitebox testing and what is the diff?

10 28135

List 5 words that best Describe your strengths?

29 248174

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IBM Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define Virtual function in C++.


Tell me what are offset columns?


What is htmlunitdriver?


What is the total angular distance in degrees over a sphere?


What is Mean By FRS for HQ reporting, How To Prepare?


What are the different cost elements involved in implementing a process in an organization?


compare the variation of bones on the forearm and the shanks of birds?


What qualities do you feel are required for a Bank Officer?


How to read data with the sqldatareader ?


What is yield keyword?


Who will be called as consignee


Why do we use anonymous method in c#?


Can a protocol have properties?


What is boolean example?


What is the important precuations need tocarried out while working with Electrolite in Battery PM?