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IBM Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 506931

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 61052

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 53117

Difference between QA and Testing?

13 42303

What is your career goal and career plans ?

55 380554

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118866

Difference between Overloading and Overriding?

35 197723

What is the difference between Class and Structure?

40 220801

How to communicate between difference process?

2 9269

What are counting semaphores?

4 14228

What are the differences between public, private, and protected access?

12 72899

what usually indicates that ur virtual user script has dynamic data that is dependent on u parameterized fields?

2 9594

What is Regression Testing?

22 25610

what is debugging and whitebox testing and what is the diff?

10 28184

List 5 words that best Describe your strengths?

29 248359

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Un-Answered Questions

How to Force a SunOS Machine Not to Be a Router?


How to add lightbox2 in magento?


List the two important key points of depth first search?


Why do we use @requestmapping?


How can a binary tree be represented using the rotation?


What is the difference between == and === javascript?


How to debug the code using Node.js Built-In debugger?


For titration in anhydrous media with perchloric acide, if lack of titrator, Which indicator is been used for replacement. How calculate pH of test solution to choose suitable indicator?


What is the difference between the web server and application server?


Can I find my windows product key on my computer?


What is control file used for?


What are the swing components in java?


How many ways we can deploy the webpart ? Which is the best method to deploy the Webpart ?


How Cortisone affects gingival tissues?


What is your approach towards a new subject ?