what usually indicates that ur virtual user script has dynamic data that is dependent on u parameterized fields?
2 9480Post New IBM Interview Questions
What are incoming links?
Explain the three main types of tropic pyramids studied in ecology?
What is internationalization in angularjs?
Explain cursor types?
what are the Technical Specifications of D/240SC-T1
Explain what is a foreign key relationship? Explain this with the help of an example.
Do you know what are three common acronyms used in .net, and what do they stand for?
How is rsa used for authentication in practice? What are rsa digital signatures?
Explain db?
Explain which is the largest reef?
What are the different rules for performing sort operation?
Find the second largest element in an array with minimum no of comparisons and give the minimum no of comparisons needed on an array of size N to do the same.
If offered the job, how long do you plan to stay at NetApp?
What happens if a constructor is declared private?
Why cout is used in c++?