suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th

Answer Posted / patrick

Hi Bhaskar Mehta,

I am your WELL WISHER!!

I want to state the important notification to people who are
looking forward to build there career in Testing.

As myself working as Test Manager In Accenture i want to
provide useful suggestions.. Now guys in testing there will
be very very less openings in future as a fresher &
experienced people…

Every company needs more developers than testers. As in our
company we are training freshers in Testing domain so those
guys who are trying as Freshers or experienced wont get any
chance to work in MNC Company.
The same problem exist in all companies..

Now manual testing has no value in testing domain.
As current market needs telecom & protocol testers with
3 to 4 year exp in MNC Company..

Guys who are looking fwd to do testing course and
planning to try for job then it would be a wrong decision…
U have to struggle a lot there is no way u will get job.
Better move on to Java,.net, Php as u can easily get a job
as lot of openings will be there in this field..

In testing lot of fake candidates with fake experience
are entering in this field they will face a problem in
future as every company are keeping track of all fake
institute & company… just they will blacklist candidate
profile in Job sites where in future no company will refer
candidate profile..

Even in small companies they need more developers than
testers. No one can expect a bright future with good salary
in testing domain..

Upto 2010 all MNC based companies don’t require any
experienced testers. All MNC are training freshers in
testing, who has got selected in campus interview..

Dont waste money by doing courses in any institutes as u
cant learn anything related to automation tools. So just
dont think that by putting fake experience in automation u
will get a job..No institute can provide training related to
Automation tools..

As a senior with 4+ year of experience in testing it is
my responsibility to assist juniors who are looking for a
bright career in testing..

This is the right time to think seriously as everyone
who are searching for job are not getting any interview
calls in testing domain..

In our company we are getting 1000 profiles for 1
position. This is the scenario in all IT Companies. So all
majority companies are not in need of any testers in future..

Those who are freshers doing testing course or having 1
or 2 year experience in testing my suggestion is to shift to
programming field related to Php, .NET, JAVA, SAP,
DATAWAREHOUSING, PL/SQL, SEO,… U can get a good salary in a
good company with job security….

Now it is the right time to take better decision for
better future.. Now those who are trying for job in testing
field knows the truth that they are not getting any calls..
But if u are a programmer lot of opportunities will be
awaiting for u….

Everyone are trying in testing field as they wont need
programming experience but now companies don’t need testers
who dont have programming experience of minimum 1 year..

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