what is the current salary package in India for a PHP &
MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience

Answer Posted / -=pkg=-

to make this conversation simple and some kids can get
understand what these means.........


Function Reference

dotnet_load — Loads a DOTNET module

II. Apache

apache_child_terminate — Terminate apache process after this
apache_get_modules — Get a list of loaded Apache modules
apache_get_version — Fetch Apache version
apache_getenv — Get an Apache subprocess_env variable
apache_lookup_uri — Perform a partial request for the
specified URI and return all info about it
apache_note — Get and set apache request notes
apache_request_headers — Fetch all HTTP request headers
apache_reset_timeout — Reset the Apache write timer
apache_response_headers — Fetch all HTTP response headers
apache_setenv — Set an Apache subprocess_env variable
ascii2ebcdic — Translate string from ASCII to EBCDIC
ebcdic2ascii — Translate string from EBCDIC to ASCII
getallheaders — Fetch all HTTP request headers
virtual — Perform an Apache sub-request


apc_add — Cache a variable in the data store (only if it's
not stored)
apc_cache_info — Retrieves cached information (and
meta-data) from APC's data store
apc_clear_cache — Clears the APC cache
apc_compile_file — Stores a file in the bytecode cache,
bypassing all filters.
apc_define_constants — Defines a set of constants for
retrieval and mass-definition
apc_delete — Removes a stored variable from the cache
apc_fetch — Fetch a stored variable from the cache
apc_load_constants — Loads a set of constants from the cache
apc_sma_info — Retrieves APC's Shared Memory Allocation
apc_store — Cache a variable in the data store


apd_breakpoint — Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR
from the socket
apd_callstack — Returns the current call stack as an array
apd_clunk — Throw a warning and a callstack
apd_continue — Restarts the interpreter
apd_croak — Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
apd_dump_function_table — Outputs the current function table
apd_dump_persistent_resources — Return all persistent
resources as an array
apd_dump_regular_resources — Return all current regular
resources as an array
apd_echo — Echo to the debugging socket
apd_get_active_symbols — Get an array of the current
variables names in the local scope
apd_set_pprof_trace — Starts the session debugging
apd_set_session_trace — Starts the session debugging
apd_set_session — Changes or sets the current debugging level
apd_set_socket_session_trace — Starts the remote session
override_function — Overrides built-in functions
rename_function — Renames orig_name to new_name in the
global function table

V. Arrays

array_change_key_case — Changes all keys in an array
array_chunk — Split an array into chunks
array_combine — Creates an array by using one array for keys
and another for its values
array_count_values — Counts all the values of an array
array_diff_assoc — Computes the difference of arrays with
additional index check
array_diff_key — Computes the difference of arrays using
keys for comparison
array_diff_uassoc — Computes the difference of arrays with
additional index check which is performed by a user supplied
callback function
array_diff_ukey — Computes the difference of arrays using a
callback function on the keys for comparison
array_diff — Computes the difference of arrays
array_fill_keys — Fill an array with values, specifying keys
array_fill — Fill an array with values
array_filter — Filters elements of an array using a callback
array_flip — Exchanges all keys with their associated values
in an array
array_intersect_assoc — Computes the intersection of arrays
with additional index check
array_intersect_key — Computes the intersection of arrays
using keys for comparison
array_intersect_uassoc — Computes the intersection of arrays
with additional index check, compares indexes by a callback
array_intersect_ukey — Computes the intersection of arrays
using a callback function on the keys for comparison
array_intersect — Computes the intersection of arrays
array_key_exists — Checks if the given key or index exists
in the array
array_keys — Return all the keys of an array
array_map — Applies the callback to the elements of the
given arrays
array_merge_recursive — Merge two or more arrays recursively
array_merge — Merge one or more arrays
array_multisort — Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays
array_pad — Pad array to the specified length with a value
array_pop — Pop the element off the end of array
array_product — Calculate the product of values in an array
array_push — Push one or more elements onto the end of array
array_rand — Pick one or more random entries out of an array
array_reduce — Iteratively reduce the array to a single
value using a callback function
array_reverse — Return an array with elements in reverse order
array_search — Searches the array for a given value and
returns the corresponding key if successful
array_shift — Shift an element off the beginning of array
array_slice — Extract a slice of the array
array_splice — Remove a portion of the array and replace it
with something else
array_sum — Calculate the sum of values in an array
array_udiff_assoc — Computes the difference of arrays with
additional index check, compares data by a callback function
array_udiff_uassoc — Computes the difference of arrays with
additional index check, compares data and indexes by a
callback function
array_udiff — Computes the difference of arrays by using a
callback function for data comparison
array_uintersect_assoc — Computes the intersection of arrays
with additional index check, compares data by a callback
array_uintersect_uassoc — Computes the intersection of
arrays with additional index check, compares data and
indexes by a callback functions
array_uintersect — Computes the intersection of arrays,
compares data by a callback function
array_unique — Removes duplicate values from an array
array_unshift — Prepend one or more elements to the
beginning of an array
array_values — Return all the values of an array
array_walk_recursive — Apply a user function recursively to
every member of an array
array_walk — Apply a user function to every member of an array
array — Create an array
arsort — Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index
asort — Sort an array and maintain index association
compact — Create array containing variables and their values
count — Count elements in an array, or properties in an object
current — Return the current element in an array
each — Return the current key and value pair from an array
and advance the array cursor
end — Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element
extract — Import variables into the current symbol table
from an array
in_array — Checks if a value exists in an array
key — Fetch a key from an associative array
krsort — Sort an array by key in reverse order
ksort — Sort an array by key
list — Assign variables as if they were an array
natcasesort — Sort an array using a case insensitive
"natural order" algorithm
natsort — Sort an array using a "natural order" algorithm
next — Advance the internal array pointer of an array
pos — Alias of current()
prev — Rewind the internal array pointer
range — Create an array containing a range of elements
reset — Set the internal pointer of an array to its first
rsort — Sort an array in reverse order
shuffle — Shuffle an array
sizeof — Alias of count()
sort — Sort an array
uasort — Sort an array with a user-defined comparison
function and maintain index association
uksort — Sort an array by keys using a user-defined
comparison function
usort — Sort an array by values using a user-defined
comparison function

VI. Aspell

aspell_check_raw — Check a word without changing its case or
trying to trim it [deprecated]
aspell_check — Check a word [deprecated]
aspell_new — Load a new dictionary [deprecated]
aspell_suggest — Suggest spellings of a word [deprecated]


bbcode_add_element — Adds a bbcode element
bbcode_add_smiley — Adds a smiley to the parser
bbcode_create — Create a BBCode Resource
bbcode_destroy — Close BBCode_container resource
bbcode_parse — Parse a string following a given rule set
bbcode_set_arg_parser — Attach another parser in order to
use another rule set for argument parsing
bbcode_set_flags — Set or alter parser options

VIII. BC math

bcadd — Add two arbitrary precision numbers
bccomp — Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
bcdiv — Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
bcmod — Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
bcmul — Multiply two arbitrary precision number
bcpow — Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
bcpowmod — Raise an arbitrary precision number to another,
reduced by a specified modulus
bcscale — Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
bcsqrt — Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
bcsub — Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another

IX. bcompiler

bcompiler_load_exe — Reads and creates classes from a
bcompiler exe file
bcompiler_load — Reads and creates classes from a bz
compressed file
bcompiler_parse_class — Reads the bytecodes of a class and
calls back to a user function
bcompiler_read — Reads and creates classes from a filehandle
bcompiler_write_class — Writes an defined class as bytecodes
bcompiler_write_constant — Writes a defined constant as
bcompiler_write_exe_footer — Writes the start pos, and sig
to the end of a exe type file
bcompiler_write_file — Writes a php source file as bytecodes
bcompiler_write_footer — Writes the single character \x00 to
indicate End of compiled data
bcompiler_write_function — Writes an defined function as
bcompiler_write_functions_from_file — Writes all functions
defined in a file as bytecodes
bcompiler_write_header — Writes the bcompiler header
bcompiler_write_included_filename — Writes an included file
as bytecodes

X. Bzip2

bzclose — Close a bzip2 file
bzcompress — Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data
bzdecompress — Decompresses bzip2 encoded data
bzerrno — Returns a bzip2 error number
bzerror — Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in
an array
bzerrstr — Returns a bzip2 error string
bzflush — Force a write of all buffered data
bzopen — Opens a bzip2 compressed file
bzread — Binary safe bzip2 file read
bzwrite — Binary safe bzip2 file write

XI. Calendar

cal_days_in_month — Return the number of days in a month for
a given year and calendar
cal_from_jd — Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported
cal_info — Returns information about a particular calendar
cal_to_jd — Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day
easter_date — Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a
given year
easter_days — Get number of days after March 21 on which
Easter falls for a given year
FrenchToJD — Converts a date from the French Republican
Calendar to a Julian Day Count
GregorianToJD — Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count
JDDayOfWeek — Returns the day of the week
JDMonthName — Returns a month name
JDToFrench — Converts a Julian Day Count to the French
Republican Calendar
JDToGregorian — Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date
jdtojewish — Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish
calendar date
JDToJulian — Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian
Calendar Date
jdtounix — Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp
JewishToJD — Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to
Julian Day Count
JulianToJD — Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count
unixtojd — Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day


ccvs_add — Add data to a transaction
ccvs_auth — Perform credit authorization test on a transaction
ccvs_command — Performs a command which is peculiar to a
single protocol, and thus is not available in the general
ccvs_count — Find out how many transactions of a given type
are stored in the system
ccvs_delete — Delete a transaction
ccvs_done — Terminate CCVS engine and do cleanup work
ccvs_init — Initialize CCVS for use
ccvs_lookup — Look up an item of a particular type in the
database #
ccvs_new — Create a new, blank transaction
ccvs_report — Return the status of the background
communication process
ccvs_return — Transfer funds from the merchant to the credit
card holder
ccvs_reverse — Perform a full reversal on an
already-processed authorization
ccvs_sale — Transfer funds from the credit card holder to
the merchant
ccvs_status — Check the status of an invoice
ccvs_textvalue — Get text return value for previous function
ccvs_void — Perform a full reversal on a completed transaction

XIII. Classes/Objects

call_user_method_array — Call a user method given with an
array of parameters [deprecated]
call_user_method — Call a user method on an specific object
class_exists — Checks if the class has been defined
get_class_methods — Gets the class methods' names
get_class_vars — Get the default properties of the class
get_class — Returns the name of the class of an object
get_declared_classes — Returns an array with the name of the
defined classes
get_declared_interfaces — Returns an array of all declared
get_object_vars — Gets the properties of the given object
get_parent_class — Retrieves the parent class name for
object or class
interface_exists — Checks if the interface has been defined
is_a — Checks if the object is of this class or has this
class as one of its parents
is_subclass_of — Checks if the object has this class as one
of its parents
method_exists — Checks if the class method exists
property_exists — Checks if the object or class has a property

XIV. Classkit

classkit_import — Import new class method definitions from a
classkit_method_add — Dynamically adds a new method to a
given class
classkit_method_copy — Copies a method from class to another
classkit_method_redefine — Dynamically changes the code of
the given method
classkit_method_remove — Dynamically removes the given method
classkit_method_rename — Dynamically changes the name of the
given method


cpdf_add_annotation — Adds annotation
cpdf_add_outline — Adds bookmark for current page
cpdf_arc — Draws an arc
cpdf_begin_text — Starts text section
cpdf_circle — Draw a circle
cpdf_clip — Clips to current path
cpdf_close — Closes the pdf document
cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke — Close, fill and stroke current path
cpdf_closepath_stroke — Close path and draw line along path
cpdf_closepath — Close path
cpdf_continue_text — Output text in next line
cpdf_curveto — Draws a curve
cpdf_end_text — Ends text section
cpdf_fill_stroke — Fill and stroke current path
cpdf_fill — Fill current path
cpdf_finalize_page — Ends page
cpdf_finalize — Ends document
cpdf_global_set_document_limits — Sets document limits for
any pdf document
cpdf_import_jpeg — Opens a JPEG image
cpdf_lineto — Draws a line
cpdf_moveto — Sets current point
cpdf_newpath — Starts a new path
cpdf_open — Opens a new pdf document
cpdf_output_buffer — Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer
cpdf_page_init — Starts new page
cpdf_place_inline_image — Places an image on the page
cpdf_rect — Draw a rectangle
cpdf_restore — Restores formerly saved environment
cpdf_rlineto — Draws a line
cpdf_rmoveto — Sets current point
cpdf_rotate_text — Sets text rotation angle
cpdf_rotate — Sets rotation
cpdf_save_to_file — Writes the pdf document into a file
cpdf_save — Saves current environment
cpdf_scale — Sets scaling
cpdf_set_action_url — Sets hyperlink
cpdf_set_char_spacing — Sets character spacing
cpdf_set_creator — Sets the creator field in the pdf document
cpdf_set_current_page — Sets current page
cpdf_set_font_directories — Sets directories to search when
using external fonts
cpdf_set_font_map_file — Sets fontname to filename
translation map when using external fonts
cpdf_set_font — Select the current font face and size
cpdf_set_horiz_scaling — Sets horizontal scaling of text
cpdf_set_keywords — Sets the keywords field of the pdf document
cpdf_set_leading — Sets distance between text lines
cpdf_set_page_animation — Sets duration between pages
cpdf_set_subject — Sets the subject field of the pdf document
cpdf_set_text_matrix — Sets the text matrix
cpdf_set_text_pos — Sets text position
cpdf_set_text_rendering — Determines how text is rendered
cpdf_set_text_rise — Sets the text rise
cpdf_set_title — Sets the title field of the pdf document
cpdf_set_viewer_preferences — How to show the document in
the viewer
cpdf_set_word_spacing — Sets spacing between words
cpdf_setdash — Sets dash pattern
cpdf_setflat — Sets flatness
cpdf_setgray_fill — Sets filling color to gray value
cpdf_setgray_stroke — Sets drawing color to gray value
cpdf_setgray — Sets drawing and filling color to gray value
cpdf_setlinecap — Sets linecap parameter
cpdf_setlinejoin — Sets linejoin parameter
cpdf_setlinewidth — Sets line width
cpdf_setmiterlimit — Sets miter limit
cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill — Sets filling color to rgb color value
cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke — Sets drawing color to rgb color value
cpdf_setrgbcolor — Sets drawing and filling color to rgb
color value
cpdf_show_xy — Output text at position
cpdf_show — Output text at current position
cpdf_stringwidth — Returns width of text in current font
cpdf_stroke — Draw line along path
cpdf_text — Output text with parameters
cpdf_translate — Sets origin of coordinate system


COM — COM class
com_addref — Increases the components reference counter
com_create_guid — Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
com_event_sink — Connect events from a COM object to a PHP
com_get_active_object — Returns a handle to an already
running instance of a COM object
com_get — Gets the value of a COM Component's property
com_invoke — Calls a COM component's method [deprecated]
com_isenum — Indicates if a COM object has an IEnumVariant
interface for iteration [deprecated]
com_load_typelib — Loads a Typelib
com_load — Creates a new reference to a COM component
com_message_pump — Process COM messages, sleeping for up to
timeoutms milliseconds
com_print_typeinfo — Print out a PHP class definition for a
dispatchable interface
com_propget — Alias of com_get()
com_propput — Alias of com_set()
com_propset — Alias of com_set()
com_release — Decreases the components reference counter
com_set — Assigns a value to a COM component's property
variant_abs — Returns the absolute value of a variant
variant_add — "Adds" two variant values together and returns
the result
variant_and — performs a bitwise AND operation between two
variants and returns the result
variant_cast — Convert a variant into a new variant object
of another type
variant_cat — concatenates two variant values together and
returns the result
variant_cmp — Compares two variants
variant_date_from_timestamp — Returns a variant date
representation of a Unix timestamp
variant_date_to_timestamp — Converts a variant date/time
value to Unix timestamp
variant_div — Returns the result from dividing two variants
variant_eqv — Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants
variant_fix — Returns the integer portion ? of a variant
variant_get_type — Returns the type of a variant object
variant_idiv — Converts variants to integers and then
returns the result from dividing them
variant_imp — Performs a bitwise implication on two variants
variant_int — Returns the integer portion of a variant
variant_mod — Divides two variants and returns only the
variant_mul — multiplies the values of the two variants and
returns the result
variant_neg — Performs logical negation on a variant
variant_not — Performs bitwise not negation on a variant
variant_or — Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
variant_pow — Returns the result of performing the power
function with two variants
variant_round — Rounds a variant to the specified number of
decimal places
variant_set_type — Convert a variant into another type
variant_set — Assigns a new value for a variant object
variant_sub — subtracts the value of the right variant from
the left variant value and returns the result
variant_xor — Performs a logical exclusion on two variants

XVII. Crack

crack_check — Performs an obscure check with the given password
crack_closedict — Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
crack_getlastmessage — Returns the message from the last
obscure check
crack_opendict — Opens a new CrackLib dictionary

XVIII. ctype

ctype_alnum — Check for alphanumeric character(s)
ctype_alpha — Check for alphabetic character(s)
ctype_cntrl — Check for control character(s)
ctype_digit — Check for numeric character(s)
ctype_graph — Check for any printable character(s) except space
ctype_lower — Check for lowercase character(s)
ctype_print — Check for printable character(s)
ctype_punct — Check for any printable character which is not
whitespace or an alphanumeric character
ctype_space — Check for whitespace character(s)
ctype_upper — Check for uppercase character(s)
ctype_xdigit — Check for character(s) representing a
hexadecimal digit


Constants — Curl Predefined Constants
curl_close — Close a cURL session
curl_copy_handle — Copy a cURL handle along with all of its
curl_errno — Return the last error number
curl_error — Return a string containing the last error for
the current session
curl_exec — Perform a cURL session
curl_getinfo — Get information regarding a specific transfer
curl_init — Initialize a cURL session
curl_multi_add_handle — Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL
multi handle
curl_multi_close — Close a set of cURL handles
curl_multi_exec — Run the sub-connections of the current
cURL handle
curl_multi_getcontent — Return the content of a cURL handle
curl_multi_info_read — Get information about the current
curl_multi_init — Returns a new cURL multi handle
curl_multi_remove_handle — Remove a multi handle from a set
of cURL handles
curl_multi_select — Get all the sockets associated with the
cURL extension, which can then be "selected"
curl_setopt_array — Set multiple options for a cURL transfer
curl_setopt — Set an option for a cURL transfer
curl_version — Gets cURL version information

XX. Cybercash

cybercash_base64_decode — base64 decode data for Cybercash
cybercash_base64_encode — base64 encode data for Cybercash
cybercash_decr — Cybercash decrypt
cybercash_encr — Cybercash encrypt


cybermut_creerformulairecm — Generate HTML form of request
for payment
cybermut_creerreponsecm — Generate the delivery's
acknowledgement of the payment's confirmation
cybermut_testmac — Make sure that there was no data diddling
contained in the received message of confirmation


cyrus_authenticate — Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_bind — Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
cyrus_close — Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_connect — Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_query — Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_unbind — Unbind ...

XXIII. Date/Time

checkdate — Validate a Gregorian date
date_create — Returns new DateTime object
date_date_set — Sets the date
date_default_timezone_get — Gets the default timezone used
by all date/time functions in a script
date_default_timezone_set — Sets the default timezone used
by all date/time functions in a script
date_format — Returns date formatted according to given format
date_isodate_set — Sets the ISO date
date_modify — Alters the timestamp
date_offset_get — Returns the daylight saving time offset
date_parse — Returns associative array with detailed info
about given date
date_sun_info — Returns an array with information about
sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
date_sunrise — Returns time of sunrise for a given day and
date_sunset — Returns time of sunset for a given day and
date_time_set — Sets the time
date_timezone_get — Return time zone relative to given DateTime
date_timezone_set — Sets the time zone for the DateTime object
date — Format a local time/date
getdate — Get date/time information
gettimeofday — Get current time
gmdate — Format a GMT/UTC date/time
gmmktime — Get Unix timestamp for a GMT date
gmstrftime — Format a GMT/UTC time/date according to locale
idate — Format a local time/date as integer
localtime — Get the local time
microtime — Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds
mktime — Get Unix timestamp for a date
strftime — Format a local time/date according to locale settings
strptime — Parse a time/date generated with strftime()
strtotime — Parse about any English textual datetime
description into a Unix timestamp
time — Return current Unix timestamp
timezone_abbreviations_list — Returns associative array
containing dst, offset and the timezone name
timezone_identifiers_list — Returns numerically index array
with all timezone identifiers
timezone_name_from_abbr — Returns the timezone name from
timezone_name_get — Returns the name of the timezone
timezone_offset_get — Returns the timezone offset from GMT
timezone_open — Returns new DateTimeZone object
timezone_transitions_get — Returns all transitions for the


dbplus_add — Add a tuple to a relation
dbplus_aql — Perform AQL query
dbplus_chdir — Get/Set database virtual current directory
dbplus_close — Close a relation
dbplus_curr — Get current tuple from relation
dbplus_errcode — Get error string for given errorcode or
last error
dbplus_errno — Get error code for last operation
dbplus_find — Set a constraint on a relation
dbplus_first — Get first tuple from relation
dbplus_flush — Flush all changes made on a relation
dbplus_freealllocks — Free all locks held by this client
dbplus_freelock — Release write lock on tuple
dbplus_freerlocks — Free all tuple locks on given relation
dbplus_getlock — Get a write lock on a tuple
dbplus_getunique — Get an id number unique to a relation
dbplus_info — Get information about a relation
dbplus_last — Get last tuple from relation
dbplus_lockrel — Request write lock on relation
dbplus_next — Get next tuple from relation
dbplus_open — Open relation file
dbplus_prev — Get previous tuple from relation
dbplus_rchperm — Change relation permissions
dbplus_rcreate — Creates a new DB++ relation
dbplus_rcrtexact — Creates an exact but empty copy of a
relation including indices
dbplus_rcrtlike — Creates an empty copy of a relation with
default indices
dbplus_resolve — Resolve host information for relation
dbplus_restorepos — Restore position
dbplus_rkeys — Specify new primary key for a relation
dbplus_ropen — Open relation file local
dbplus_rquery — Perform local (raw) AQL query
dbplus_rrename — Rename a relation
dbplus_rsecindex — Create a new secondary index for a relation
dbplus_runlink — Remove relation from filesystem
dbplus_rzap — Remove all tuples from relation
dbplus_savepos — Save position
dbplus_setindex — Set index
dbplus_setindexbynumber — Set index by number
dbplus_sql — Perform SQL query
dbplus_tcl — Execute TCL code on server side
dbplus_tremove — Remove tuple and return new current tuple
dbplus_undo — Undo
dbplus_undoprepare — Prepare undo
dbplus_unlockrel — Give up write lock on relation
dbplus_unselect — Remove a constraint from relation
dbplus_update — Update specified tuple in relation
dbplus_xlockrel — Request exclusive lock on relation
dbplus_xunlockrel — Free exclusive lock on relation

XXV. dba

dba_close — Close a DBA database
dba_delete — Delete DBA entry specified by key
dba_exists — Check whether key exists
dba_fetch — Fetch data specified by key
dba_firstkey — Fetch first key
dba_handlers — List all the handlers available
dba_insert — Insert entry
dba_key_split — Splits a key in string representation into
array representation
dba_list — List all open database files
dba_nextkey — Fetch next key
dba_open — Open database
dba_optimize — Optimize database
dba_popen — Open database persistently
dba_replace — Replace or insert entry
dba_sync — Synchronize database

XXVI. dBase

dbase_add_record — Adds a record to a database
dbase_close — Closes a database
dbase_create — Creates a database
dbase_delete_record — Deletes a record from a database
dbase_get_header_info — Gets the header info of a database
dbase_get_record_with_names — Gets a record from a database
as an associative array
dbase_get_record — Gets a record from a database as an
indexed array
dbase_numfields — Gets the number of fields of a database
dbase_numrecords — Gets the number of records in a database
dbase_open — Opens a database
dbase_pack — Packs a database
dbase_replace_record — Replaces a record in a database


dblist — Describes the DBM-compatible library being used
dbmclose — Closes a dbm database
dbmdelete — Deletes the value for a key from a DBM database
dbmexists — Tells if a value exists for a key in a DBM database
dbmfetch — Fetches a value for a key from a DBM database
dbmfirstkey — Retrieves the first key from a DBM database
dbminsert — Inserts a value for a key in a DBM database
dbmopen — Opens a DBM database
dbmreplace — Replaces the value for a key in a DBM database


dbx_close — Close an open connection/database
dbx_compare — Compare two rows for sorting purposes
dbx_connect — Open a connection/database
dbx_error — Report the error message of the latest function
call in the module
dbx_escape_string — Escape a string so it can safely be used
in an sql-statement
dbx_fetch_row — Fetches rows from a query-result that had
dbx_query — Send a query and fetch all results (if any)
dbx_sort — Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort

XXIX. Direct IO

dio_close — Closes the file descriptor given by fd
dio_fcntl — Performs a c library fcntl on fd
dio_open — Opens a new filename with specified permissions
of flags and creation permissions of mode
dio_read — Reads bytes from a file descriptor
dio_seek — Seeks to pos on fd from whence
dio_stat — Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
dio_tcsetattr — Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a
serial port
dio_truncate — Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
dio_write — Writes data to fd with optional truncation at

XXX. Directories

chdir — Change directory
chroot — Change the root directory
dir — Return an instance of the Directory class
closedir — Close directory handle
getcwd — Gets the current working directory
opendir — Open directory handle
readdir — Read entry from directory handle
rewinddir — Rewind directory handle
scandir — List files and directories inside the specified path


DOMAttr->__construct() — Creates a new DOMAttr object
DOMAttr->isId() — Checks if attribute is a defined ID
DOMCharacterData->appendData() — Append the string to the
end of the character data of the node
DOMCharacterData->deleteData() — Remove a range of
characters from the node
DOMCharacterData->insertData() — Insert a string at the
specified 16-bit unit offset
DOMCharacterData->replaceData() — Replace a substring within
the DOMCharacterData node
DOMCharacterData->substringData() — Extracts a range of data
from the node
DOMComment->__construct() — Creates a new DOMComment object
DOMDocument->__construct() — Creates a new DOMDocument object
DOMDocument->createAttribute() — Create new attribute
DOMDocument->createAttributeNS() — Create new attribute node
with an associated namespace
DOMDocument->createCDATASection() — Create new cdata node
DOMDocument->createComment() — Create new comment node
DOMDocument->createDocumentFragment() — Create new document
DOMDocument->createElement() — Create new element node
DOMDocument->createElementNS() — Create new element node
with an associated namespace
DOMDocument->createEntityReference() — Create new entity
reference node
DOMDocument->createProcessingInstruction() — Creates new PI node
DOMDocument->createTextNode() — Create new text node
DOMDocument->getElementById() — Searches for an element with
a certain id
DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName() — Searches for all
elements with given tag name
DOMDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS() — Searches for all
elements with given tag name in specified namespace
DOMDocument->importNode() — Import node into current document
DOMDocument->load() — Load XML from a file
DOMDocument->loadHTML() — Load HTML from a string
DOMDocument->loadHTMLFile() — Load HTML from a file
DOMDocument->loadXML() — Load XML from a string
DOMDocument->normalizeDocument() — Normalizes the document
DOMDocument->registerNodeClass() — Register extended class
used to create base node type
DOMDocument->relaxNGValidate() — Performs relaxNG validation
on the document
DOMDocument->relaxNGValidateSource() — Performs relaxNG
validation on the document
DOMDocument->save() — Dumps the internal XML tree back into
a file
DOMDocument->saveHTML() — Dumps the internal document into a
string using HTML formatting
DOMDocument->saveHTMLFile() — Dumps the internal document
into a file using HTML formatting
DOMDocument->saveXML() — Dumps the internal XML tree back
into a string
DOMDocument->schemaValidate() — Validates a document based
on a schema
DOMDocument->schemaValidateSource() — Validates a document
based on a schema
DOMDocument->validate() — Validates the document based on
its DTD
DOMDocument->xinclude() — Substitutes XIncludes in a
DOMDocument Object
DOMDocumentFragment->appendXML() — Append raw XML data
DOMElement->__construct() — Creates a new DOMElement object
DOMElement->getAttribute() — Returns value of attribute
DOMElement->getAttributeNode() — Returns attribute node
DOMElement->getAttributeNodeNS() — Returns attribute node
DOMElement->getAttributeNS() — Returns value of attribute
DOMElement->getElementsByTagName() — Gets elements by tagname
DOMElement->getElementsByTagNameNS() — Get elements by
namespaceURI and localName
DOMElement->hasAttribute() — Checks to see if attribute exists
DOMElement->hasAttributeNS() — Checks to see if attribute
DOMElement->removeAttribute() — Removes attribute
DOMElement->removeAttributeNode() — Removes attribute
DOMElement->removeAttributeNS() — Removes attribute
DOMElement->setAttribute() — Adds new attribute
DOMElement->setAttributeNode() — Adds new attribute node to
DOMElement->setAttributeNodeNS() — Adds new attribute node
to element
DOMElement->setAttributeNS() — Adds new attribute
DOMElement->setIdAttribute() — Declares the attribute
specified by name to be of type ID
DOMElement->setIdAttributeNode() — Declares the attribute
specified by node to be of type ID
DOMElement->setIdAttributeNS() — Declares the attribute
specified by local name and namespace URI to be of type ID
DOMEntityReference->__construct() — Creates a new
DOMEntityReference object
DOMImplementation->__construct() — Creates a new
DOMImplementation object
DOMImplementation->createDocument() — Creates a DOMDocument
object of the specified type with its document element
DOMImplementation->createDocumentType() — Creates an empty
DOMDocumentType object
DOMImplementation->hasFeature() — Test if the DOM
implementation implements a specific feature
DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItem() — Retrieves a node specified
by name
DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItemNS() — Retrieves a node
specified by local name and namespace URI
DOMNamedNodeMap->item() — Retrieves a node specified by index
DOMNode->appendChild() — Adds new child at the end of the
DOMNode->cloneNode() — Clones a node
DOMNode->hasAttributes() — Checks if node has attributes
DOMNode->hasChildNodes() — Checks if node has children
DOMNode->insertBefore() — Adds a new child before a
reference node
DOMNode->isDefaultNamespace() — Checks if the specified
namespaceURI is the default namespace or not
DOMNode->isSameNode() — Indicates if two nodes are the same
DOMNode->isSupported() — Checks if feature is supported for
specified version
DOMNode->lookupNamespaceURI() — Gets the namespace URI of
the node based on the prefix
DOMNode->lookupPrefix() — Gets the namespace prefix of the
node based on the namespace URI
DOMNode->normalize() — Normalizes the node
DOMNode->removeChild() — Removes child from list of children
DOMNode->replaceChild() — Replaces a child
DOMNodelist->item() — Retrieves a node specified by index
DOMProcessingInstruction->__construct() — Creates a new
DOMProcessingInstruction object
DOMText->__construct() — Creates a new DOMText object
DOMText->isWhitespaceInElementContent() — Indicates whether
this text node contains whitespace
DOMText->splitText() — Breaks this node into two nodes at
the specified offset
DOMXPath->__construct() — Creates a new DOMXPath object
DOMXPath->evaluate() — Evaluates the given XPath expression
and returns a typed result if possible.
DOMXPath->query() — Evaluates the given XPath expression
DOMXPath->registerNamespace() — Registers the namespace with
the DOMXPath object
dom_import_simplexml — Gets a DOMElement object from a
SimpleXMLElement object


DomAttribute->name — Returns the name of attribute
DomAttribute->set_value — Sets the value of an attribute
DomAttribute->specified — Checks if attribute is specified
DomAttribute->value — Returns value of attribute
DomDocument->add_root — Adds a root node [deprecated]
DomDocument->create_attribute — Create new attribute
DomDocument->create_cdata_section — Create new cdata node
DomDocument->create_comment — Create new comment node
DomDocument->create_element_ns — Create new element node
with an associated namespace
DomDocument->create_element — Create new element node
DomDocument->create_entity_reference — Create an entity
DomDocument->create_processing_instruction — Creates new PI node
DomDocument->create_text_node — Create new text node
DomDocument->doctype — Returns the document type
DomDocument->document_element — Returns root element node
DomDocument->dump_file — Dumps the internal XML tree back
into a file
DomDocument->dump_mem — Dumps the internal XML tree back
into a string
DomDocument->get_element_by_id — Searches for an element
with a certain id
DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname — Returns array with
nodes with given tagname in document or empty array, if not
DomDocument->html_dump_mem — Dumps the internal XML tree
back into a string as HTML
DomDocument->xinclude — Substitutes XIncludes in a
DomDocument Object
DomDocumentType->entities() — Returns list of entities
DomDocumentType->internal_subset() — Returns internal subset
DomDocumentType->name() — Returns name of document type
DomDocumentType->notations() — Returns list of notations
DomDocumentType->public_id() — Returns public id of document
DomDocumentType->system_id() — Returns the system id of
document type
DomElement->get_attribute_node() — Returns the node of the
given attribute
DomElement->get_attribute() — Returns the value of the given
DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname() — Gets elements by
DomElement->has_attribute() — Checks to see if an attribute
exists in the current node
DomElement->remove_attribute() — Removes attribute
DomElement->set_attribute_node() — Adds new attribute
DomElement->set_attribute() — Sets the value of an attribute
DomElement->tagname() — Returns the name of the current element
DomNode->add_namespace — Adds a namespace declaration to a node
DomNode->append_child — Adds a new child at the end of the
DomNode->append_sibling — Adds new sibling to a node
DomNode->attributes — Returns list of attributes
DomNode->child_nodes — Returns children of node
DomNode->clone_node — Clones a node
DomNode->dump_node — Dumps a single node
DomNode->first_child — Returns first child of node
DomNode->get_content — Gets content of node
DomNode->has_attributes — Checks if node has attributes
DomNode->has_child_nodes — Checks if node has children
DomNode->insert_before — Inserts new node as child
DomNode->is_blank_node — Checks if node is blank
DomNode->last_child — Returns last child of node
DomNode->next_sibling — Returns the next sibling of node
DomNode->node_name — Returns name of node
DomNode->node_type — Returns type of node
DomNode->node_value — Returns value of a node
DomNode->owner_document — Returns the document this node
belongs to
DomNode->parent_node — Returns the parent of the node
DomNode->prefix — Returns name space prefix of node
DomNode->previous_sibling — Returns the previous sibling of
DomNode->remove_child — Removes child from list of children
DomNode->replace_child — Replaces a child
DomNode->replace_node — Replaces node
DomNode->set_content — Sets content of node
DomNode->set_name — Sets name of node
DomNode->set_namespace — Sets namespace of a node
DomNode->unlink_node — Deletes node
DomProcessingInstruction->data — Returns the data of
ProcessingInstruction node
DomProcessingInstruction->target — Returns the target of a
ProcessingInstruction node
DomXsltStylesheet->process() — Applies the
XSLT-Transformation on a DomDocument Object
DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_file() — Dumps the result
from a XSLT-Transformation into a file
DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_mem() — Dumps the result from
a XSLT-Transformation back into a string
domxml_new_doc — Creates new empty XML document
domxml_open_file — Creates a DOM object from an XML file
domxml_open_mem — Creates a DOM object of an XML document
domxml_version — Gets the XML library version
domxml_xmltree — Creates a tree of PHP objects from an XML
domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc — Creates a DomXsltStylesheet
Object from a DomDocument Object
domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file — Creates a DomXsltStylesheet
Object from an XSL document in a file
domxml_xslt_stylesheet — Creates a DomXsltStylesheet object
from an XSL document in a string
domxml_xslt_version — Gets the XSLT library version
xpath_eval_expression — Evaluates the XPath Location Path in
the given string
xpath_eval — Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given
xpath_new_context — Creates new xpath context
xpath_register_ns_auto — Register the given namespace in the
passed XPath context
xpath_register_ns — Register the given namespace in the
passed XPath context
xptr_eval — Evaluate the XPtr Location Path in the given string
xptr_new_context — Create new XPath Context

XXXIII. enchant

enchant_broker_describe — Enumerates the Enchant providers
enchant_broker_dict_exists — Whether a dictionary exists or
not. Using non-empty tag
enchant_broker_free_dict — Free a dictionary resource
enchant_broker_free — Free the broker resource and its
enchant_broker_get_error — Returns the last error of the broker
enchant_broker_init — create a new broker object capable of
enchant_broker_list_dicts — Returns a list of available
enchant_broker_request_dict — create a new dictionary using
a tag
enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict — creates a dictionary using
a PWL file. A PWL file is personal word file one word per line.
enchant_broker_set_ordering — Declares a preference of
dictionaries to use for the language
enchant_dict_add_to_personal — add a word to personal word list
enchant_dict_add_to_session — add 'word' to this
spell-checking session
enchant_dict_check — Check whether a word is correctly
spelled or not.
enchant_dict_describe — Describes an individual dictionary
enchant_dict_get_error — Returns the last error of the
current spelling-session
enchant_dict_is_in_session — whether or not 'word' exists in
this spelling-session
enchant_dict_quick_check — Check the word is correctly
spelled and provide suggestions
enchant_dict_store_replacement — add a correction for a word.
enchant_dict_suggest — Will return a list of values if any
of those pre-conditions are not met.

XXXIV. Errors and Logging

debug_backtrace — Generates a backtrace
debug_print_backtrace — Prints a backtrace
error_get_last — Get the last occurred error
error_log — Send an error message somewhere
error_reporting — Sets which PHP errors are reported
restore_error_handler — Restores the previous error handler
restore_exception_handler — Restores the previously defined
exception handler function
set_error_handler — Sets a user-defined error handler function
set_exception_handler — Sets a user-defined exception
handler function
trigger_error — Generates a user-level error/warning/notice
user_error — Alias of trigger_error()

XXXV. Exif

exif_imagetype — Determine the type of an image
exif_read_data — Reads the EXIF headers from JPEG or TIFF
exif_tagname — Get the header name for an index
exif_thumbnail — Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of a TIFF
or JPEG image
read_exif_data — Alias of exif_read_data()

XXXVI. Expect

expect_expectl — Waits until the output from a process
matches one of the patterns, a specified time period has
passed, or an EOF is seen
expect_popen — Execute command via Bourne shell, and open
the PTY stream to the process


fam_cancel_monitor — Terminate monitoring
fam_close — Close FAM connection
fam_monitor_collection — Monitor a collection of files in a
directory for changes
fam_monitor_directory — Monitor a directory for changes
fam_monitor_file — Monitor a regular file for changes
fam_next_event — Get next pending FAM event
fam_open — Open connection to FAM daemon
fam_pending — Check for pending FAM events
fam_resume_monitor — Resume suspended monitoring
fam_suspend_monitor — Temporarily suspend monitoring


fdf_add_doc_javascript — Adds javascript code to the FDF
fdf_add_template — Adds a template into the FDF document
fdf_close — Close an FDF document
fdf_create — Create a new FDF document
fdf_enum_values — Call a user defined function for each
document value
fdf_errno — Return error code for last fdf operation
fdf_error — Return error description for FDF error code
fdf_get_ap — Get the appearance of a field
fdf_get_attachment — Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF
fdf_get_encoding — Get the value of the /Encoding key
fdf_get_file — Get the value of the /F key
fdf_get_flags — Gets the flags of a field
fdf_get_opt — Gets a value from the opt array of a field
fdf_get_status — Get the value of the /STATUS key
fdf_get_value — Get the value of a field
fdf_get_version — Gets version number for FDF API or file
fdf_header — Sets FDF-specific output headers
fdf_next_field_name — Get the next field name
fdf_open_string — Read a FDF document from a string
fdf_open — Open a FDF document
fdf_remove_item — Sets target frame for form
fdf_save_string — Returns the FDF document as a string
fdf_save — Save a FDF document
fdf_set_ap — Set the appearance of a field
fdf_set_encoding — Sets FDF character encoding
fdf_set_file — Set PDF document to display FDF data in
fdf_set_flags — Sets a flag of a field
fdf_set_javascript_action — Sets an javascript action of a field
fdf_set_on_import_javascript — Adds javascript code to be
executed when Acrobat opens the FDF
fdf_set_opt — Sets an option of a field
fdf_set_status — Set the value of the /STATUS key
fdf_set_submit_form_action — Sets a submit form action of a
fdf_set_target_frame — Set target frame for form display
fdf_set_value — Set the value of a field
fdf_set_version — Sets version number for a FDF file

XXXIX. Fileinfo

finfo_buffer — Return information about a string buffer
finfo_close — Close fileinfo resource
finfo_file — Return information about a file
finfo_open — Create a new fileinfo resource
finfo_set_flags — Set libmagic configuration options

XL. filePro

filepro_fieldcount — Find out how many fields are in a
filePro database
filepro_fieldname — Gets the name of a field
filepro_fieldtype — Gets the type of a field
filepro_fieldwidth — Gets the width of a field
filepro_retrieve — Retrieves data from a filePro database
filepro_rowcount — Find out how many rows are in a filePro
filepro — Read and verify the map file

XLI. Filesystem

basename — Returns filename component of path
chgrp — Changes file group
chmod — Changes file mode
chown — Changes file owner
clearstatcache — Clears file status cache
copy — Copies file
delete — See unlink() or unset()
dirname — Returns directory name component of path
disk_free_space — Returns available space in directory
disk_total_space — Returns the total size of a directory
diskfreespace — Alias of disk_free_space()
fclose — Closes an open file pointer
feof — Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer
fflush — Flushes the output to a file
fgetc — Gets character from file pointer
fgetcsv — Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields
fgets — Gets line from file pointer
fgetss — Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
file_exists — Checks whether a file or directory exists
file_get_contents — Reads entire file into a string
file_put_contents — Write a string to a file
file — Reads entire file into an array
fileatime — Gets last access time of file
filectime — Gets inode change time of file
filegroup — Gets file group
fileinode — Gets file inode
filemtime — Gets file modification time
fileowner — Gets file owner
fileperms — Gets file permissions
filesize — Gets file size
filetype — Gets file type
flock — Portable advisory file locking
fnmatch — Match filename against a pattern
fopen — Opens file or URL
fpassthru — Output all remaining data on a file pointer
fputcsv — Format line as CSV and write to file pointer
fputs — Alias of fwrite()
fread — Binary-safe file read
fscanf — Parses input from a file according to a format
fseek — Seeks on a file pointer
fstat — Gets information about a file using an open file pointer
ftell — Tells file pointer read/write position
ftruncate — Truncates a file to a given length
fwrite — Binary-safe file write
glob — Find pathnames matching a pattern
is_dir — Tells whether the filename is a directory
is_executable — Tells whether the filename is executable
is_file — Tells whether the filename is a regular file
is_link — Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link
is_readable — Tells whether the filename is readable
is_uploaded_file — Tells whether the file was uploaded via
is_writable — Tells whether the filename is writable
is_writeable — Alias of is_writable()
lchgrp — Changes group ownership of symlink
lchown — Changes user ownership of symlink
link — Create a hard link
linkinfo — Gets information about a link
lstat — Gives information about a file or symbolic link
mkdir — Makes directory
move_uploaded_file — Moves an uploaded file to a new location
parse_ini_file — Parse a configuration file
pathinfo — Returns information about a file path
pclose — Closes process file pointer
popen — Opens process file pointer
readfile — Outputs a file
readlink — Returns the target of a symbolic link
realpath — Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
rename — Renames a file or directory
rewind — Rewind the position of a file pointer
rmdir — Removes directory
set_file_buffer — Alias of stream_set_write_buffer()
stat — Gives information about a file
symlink — Creates a symbolic link
tempnam — Create file with unique file name
tmpfile — Creates a temporary file
touch — Sets access and modification time of file
umask — Changes the current umask
unlink — Deletes a file

XLII. Filter

filter_has_var — Checks if variable of specified type exists
filter_id — Returns the filter ID belonging to a named filter
filter_input_array — Gets multiple variables from outside
PHP and optionally filters them
filter_input — Gets variable from outside PHP and optionally
filters it
filter_list — Returns a list of all supported filters
filter_var_array — Gets multiple variables and optionally
filters them
filter_var — Filters a variable with a specified filter

XLIII. Firebird/InterBase

ibase_add_user — Add a user to a security database (only for
IB6 or later)
ibase_affected_rows — Return the number of rows that were
affected by the previous query
ibase_backup — Initiates a backup task in the service
manager and returns immediately
ibase_blob_add — Add data into a newly created blob
ibase_blob_cancel — Cancel creating blob
ibase_blob_close — Close blob
ibase_blob_create — Create a new blob for adding data
ibase_blob_echo — Output blob contents to browser
ibase_blob_get — Get len bytes data from open blob
ibase_blob_import — Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
ibase_blob_info — Return blob length and other useful info
ibase_blob_open — Open blob for retrieving data parts
ibase_close — Close a connection to an InterBase database
ibase_commit_ret — Commit a transaction without closing it
ibase_commit — Commit a transaction
ibase_connect — Open a connection to an InterBase database
ibase_db_info — Request statistics about a database
ibase_delete_user — Delete a user from a security database
(only for IB6 or later)
ibase_drop_db — Drops a database
ibase_errcode — Return an error code
ibase_errmsg — Return error messages
ibase_execute — Execute a previously prepared query
ibase_fetch_assoc — Fetch a result row from a query as an
associative array
ibase_fetch_object — Get an object from a InterBase database
ibase_fetch_row — Fetch a row from an InterBase database
ibase_field_info — Get information about a field
ibase_free_event_handler — Cancels a registered event handler
ibase_free_query — Free memory allocated by a prepared query
ibase_free_result — Free a result set
ibase_gen_id — Increments the named generator and returns
its new value
ibase_maintain_db — Execute a maintenance command on the
database server
ibase_modify_user — Modify a user to a security database
(only for IB6 or later)
ibase_name_result — Assigns a name to a result set
ibase_num_fields — Get the number of fields in a result set
ibase_num_params — Return the number of parameters in a
prepared query
ibase_param_info — Return information about a parameter in a
prepared query
ibase_pconnect — Open a persistent connection to an
InterBase database
ibase_prepare — Prepare a query for later binding of
parameter placeholders and execution
ibase_query — Execute a query on an InterBase database
ibase_restore — Initiates a restore task in the service
manager and returns immediately
ibase_rollback_ret — Roll back a transaction without closing it
ibase_rollback — Roll back a transaction
ibase_server_info — Request information about a database server
ibase_service_attach — Connect to the service manager
ibase_service_detach — Disconnect from the service manager
ibase_set_event_handler — Register a callback function to be
called when events are posted
ibase_timefmt — Sets the format of timestamp, date and time
type columns returned from queries
ibase_trans — Begin a transaction
ibase_wait_event — Wait for an event to be posted by the

XLIV. Firebird/Interbase (PDO)

PDO_FIREBIRD DSN — Connecting to Firebird and Interbase

XLV. FriBiDi

fribidi_log2vis — Convert a logical string to a visual one

XLVI. FrontBase

fbsql_affected_rows — Get number of affected rows in
previous FrontBase operation
fbsql_autocommit — Enable or disable autocommit
fbsql_blob_size — Get the size of a BLOB
fbsql_change_user — Change logged in user of the active
fbsql_clob_size — Get the size of a CLOB
fbsql_close — Close FrontBase connection
fbsql_commit — Commits a transaction to the database
fbsql_connect — Open a connection to a FrontBase Server
fbsql_create_blob — Create a BLOB
fbsql_create_clob — Create a CLOB
fbsql_create_db — Create a FrontBase database
fbsql_data_seek — Move internal result pointer
fbsql_database_password — Sets or retrieves the password for
a FrontBase database
fbsql_database — Get or set the database name used with a
fbsql_db_query — Send a FrontBase query
fbsql_db_status — Get the status for a given database
fbsql_drop_db — Drop (delete) a FrontBase database
fbsql_errno — Returns the error number from previous operation
fbsql_error — Returns the error message from previous operation
fbsql_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative
array, a numeric array, or both
fbsql_fetch_assoc — Fetch a result row as an associative array
fbsql_fetch_field — Get column information from a result and
return as an object
fbsql_fetch_lengths — Get the length of each output in a result
fbsql_fetch_object — Fetch a result row as an object
fbsql_fetch_row — Get a result row as an enumerated array
fbsql_field_flags — Get the flags associated with the
specified field in a result
fbsql_field_len — Returns the length of the specified field
fbsql_field_name — Get the name of the specified field in a
fbsql_field_seek — Set result pointer to a specified field
fbsql_field_table — Get name of the table the specified
field is in
fbsql_field_type — Get the type of the specified field in a
fbsql_free_result — Free result memory
fbsql_hostname — Get or set the host name used with a connection
fbsql_insert_id — Get the id generated from the previous
INSERT operation
fbsql_list_dbs — List databases available on a FrontBase server
fbsql_list_fields — List FrontBase result fields
fbsql_list_tables — List tables in a FrontBase database
fbsql_next_result — Move the internal result pointer to the
next result
fbsql_num_fields — Get number of fields in result
fbsql_num_rows — Get number of rows in result
fbsql_password — Get or set the user password used with a
fbsql_pconnect — Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase
fbsql_query — Send a FrontBase query
fbsql_read_blob — Read a BLOB from the database
fbsql_read_clob — Read a CLOB from the database
fbsql_result — Get result data
fbsql_rollback — Rollback a transaction to the database
fbsql_rows_fetched — Get the number of rows affected by the
last statement
fbsql_select_db — Select a FrontBase database
fbsql_set_characterset — Change input/output character set
fbsql_set_lob_mode — Set the LOB retrieve mode for a
FrontBase result set
fbsql_set_password — Change the password for a given user
fbsql_set_transaction — Set the transaction locking and
fbsql_start_db — Start a database on local or remote server
fbsql_stop_db — Stop a database on local or remote server
fbsql_table_name — Get table name of field
fbsql_tablename — Alias of of fbsql_table_name()
fbsql_username — Get or set the username for the connection
fbsql_warnings — Enable or disable FrontBase warnings


ftp_alloc — Allocates space for a file to be uploaded
ftp_cdup — Changes to the parent directory
ftp_chdir — Changes the current directory on a FTP server
ftp_chmod — Set permissions on a file via FTP
ftp_close — Closes an FTP connection
ftp_connect — Opens an FTP connection
ftp_delete — Deletes a file on the FTP server
ftp_exec — Requests execution of a command on the FTP server
ftp_fget — Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to
an open file
ftp_fput — Uploads from an open file to the FTP server
ftp_get_option — Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the
current FTP stream
ftp_get — Downloads a file from the FTP server
ftp_login — Logs in to an FTP connection
ftp_mdtm — Returns the last modified time of the given file
ftp_mkdir — Creates a directory
ftp_nb_continue — Continues retrieving/sending a file
ftp_nb_fget — Retrieves a file from the FTP server and
writes it to an open file (non-blocking)
ftp_nb_fput — Stores a file from an open file to the FTP
server (non-blocking)
ftp_nb_get — Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes
it to a local file (non-blocking)
ftp_nb_put — Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking)
ftp_nlist — Returns a list of files in the given directory
ftp_pasv — Turns passive mode on or off
ftp_put — Uploads a file to the FTP server
ftp_pwd — Returns the current directory name
ftp_quit — Alias of ftp_close()
ftp_raw — Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server
ftp_rawlist — Returns a detailed list of files in the given
ftp_rename — Renames a file or a directory on the FTP server
ftp_rmdir — Removes a directory
ftp_set_option — Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options
ftp_site — Sends a SITE command to the server
ftp_size — Returns the size of the given file
ftp_ssl_connect — Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection
ftp_systype — Returns the system type identifier of the
remote FTP server

XLVIII. Function handling

call_user_func_array — Call a user function given with an
array of parameters
call_user_func — Call a user function given by the first
create_function — Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function
func_get_arg — Return an item from the argument list
func_get_args — Returns an array comprising a function's
argument list
func_num_args — Returns the number of arguments passed to
the function
function_exists — Return TRUE if the given function has been
get_defined_functions — Returns an array of all defined
register_shutdown_function — Register a function for
execution on shutdown
register_tick_function — Register a function for execution
on each tick
unregister_tick_function — De-register a function for
execution on each tick


geoip_country_code_by_name — Get the two letter country code
geoip_country_code3_by_name — Get the three letter country code
geoip_country_name_by_name — Get the full country name
geoip_database_info — Get GeoIP Database information

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