what is the current salary package in India for a PHP &
MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience

Answer Posted / diptanjan

Why are we wasting time replying someone who does not know
ABCD of php? Big companies are also hiring people on php.

People used to look down upon php I agree, they used to
think there is no future in PHP, but dear open your eyes,
days are changing.

Right now there are more Big projects in Php then good hands
to code and manage. I have 8+ years of Industry experience.
Worked in ASP, .NET, Java and on Oracle too.

I know people getting much less salary in some Big Orgs.
working in Java and .NET than the PHP people in the same
company with same experience. If someone wants to varify
please check with Patni, CTS, Yahoo and Google.

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i m a B.E,passed out few yrs bak failed to find good job due to less marks now thinkin of a career as PHP developer. is it a lucarative field and wat r career prospects; hv heard dat initial salary is very less bout 6k also most jobs r contrct jobs.pls guide me need ur valuable advice.pls hellppp!! thnx..


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