what is CMMI5 level certificate?

Answer Posted / harveen

Level 5 - Optimized
It is characteristic of processes at this level that the
focus is on continually improving process performance
through both incremental and innovative technological

Organisational implications:
(a) Quantitative process-improvement objectives for the
organization are established, continually revised to
reflect changing business objectives, and used as criteria
in managing process improvement. Thus, process improvements
to address common causes of process variation and
measurably improve the organization’s processes are
identified, evaluated, and deployed.
(b) The effects of deployed process improvements are
measured and evaluated against the quantitative process-
improvement objectives.
(c) Both the defined processes and the organization’s set
of standard processes are targets for measurable
improvement activities.
(d) A critical distinction between maturity level 4 and
maturity level 5 is the type of process variation addressed.
At maturity level 4, processes are concerned with
addressing statistical special causes of process variation
and providing statistical predictability of the results,
and though processes may produce predictable results, the
results may be insufficient to achieve the established
At maturity level 5, processes are concerned with
addressing statistical common causes of process variation
and changing the process (for example, shifting the mean of
the process performance) to improve process performance.
This would be done at the same time as maintaining the
likelihood of achieving the established quantitative
process-improvement objectives.

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