what is naming conventions given for lock object and how
you create the lock object

Answer Posted / dushyanta kumar

1.Object Name start with EZ OR EY .
Go to SE11
2. Give the lock object name EZDUSH(lock object name start
with EZ) and click 'Create' Button.
3. Enter the short description,Table name<XXXX>, lock mode
and key fields which is used to lock the entry.
4. Save and activate, it will generate 2 FM.
DEQUEUE_EZDUSH Release lock on object EZDUSH
ENQUEUE_EZDUSH Request lock for object EZDUSH

In your program,
1. First loop the table.
2. call the FM 'ENQUEUE_EZDUSH' to lock.
3. Update the dB.
4. Release the lock using DEQUEUE_EZDUSH.

DEQUEUE_ALL this FM will release all the lock.

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