How do you test cookies?

Answer Posted / swapnil garg

1.Data in the cookie should be displayed in the encrypted
form. If the data is in encrypted format then it will not be
easy for any user to retrieve data from in it which is a
security feature.
2.User can test whether appropriate message is displayed or
not by disabling the cookies from the browser settings. Once
the cookie is disabled from the browser settings, then run
the application, applications that require the use of the
cookies should display a proper message like “For smooth
functioning of the application, cookies needs to be enable
on the browser”. At any point application should not get
crash even when the cookies are disabled.
3.Try to check the functionality of the application by
accepting & rejecting some cookies. Change the browser
settings so that system should prompt the user to
accept/reject the cookies. Now let’s say that there are 10
cookies required in the application, now accept any 5 out of
them & reject another 5, now check the functionality of the
application, at any point of time application should not
gets crashed.
4.Functionality of the application after deletion of
cookies: Examine the behavior of the application after
deleting all the cookies written by the application
5.Corrupting the cookies: Cookies store at the default
location in the users pc, manually change the parameter
value displayed in the cookies or change the name of the
cookie generated & then try to access the application.
6.Checking the deletion of cookies from the web application:
Sometimes, cookies generated by the page in the web
application is deleted by another page of the same
application, for example lets consider the case of an
Application having shopping cart in it, when the user
performs some purchase out of it then a cookie is generated
& when the user .navigates to any other page in the same
application, then the cookies generated by the page
(shopping cart) gets deleted,. This is a security issue so
that no mores transaction will take place with the same values.
7.Cookie Testing on Multiple Browsers: This is regarding the
testing of cookies generated by the application in different
browsers. In the different browsers If the application
(using for testing) is writing the cookies, then the user
can check whether it is writing cookies successfully in
different browsers like Mozilla , Internet Explorer, Safari
, Netscape etc.
8.In some cases when the cookies are used to store the
logging stats of the user, then in the url logged in
parameters are displayed in the form of the ID’s, change
this id values, lets say the id value displayed is 100 or
something else change this value to any other value. Proper
message should be displayed to the user.
9.More use of cookies can lead to loss of site traffic: Not
every user has the cookies enabled on the browser, Lets
consider that the user (make the settings like system will
prompt the user before accepting any cookies) is accessing
the web application. Now to navigate around different pages
(Lets say from page 1 to page 2) there ate a lot of cookies
used, then the user will annoy & this may lead to the loss
of site traffic. So its always better to generate the
minimum number of cookies in the application.
10.Best approach to write the cookie is to that no sensitive
information like username, password, Credit Card Numbers
(in case of an transactional application) should not be
stored in the cookie, if it is getting stored in the cookies
then it should be in encrypted form.

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