suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th

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Can you please provide me the standard testcase review templete and Test plan templete.In my company we are not following any Standards templete so.Please guve me some Excell attachments.


Hi guys,I have 3+ years of exp in manual testing in a bangalore based MNC company.I Like to jump in chennai.So please if u know any jobs in chennai firms please let me know in my email-id. cheers, anbarasu.


I am a ISTQB cerfity tester with 3 yrs experience(kolkata) , I left my current commpany due to some problem but since two months I did not get new job , why? is my age is 33 yrs and I am married . If anybody have any answer please let me know, my email id


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How can I done a Web Testing? Which steps are include in it?


What type of questions will be asking for 2 years experience candidate in manual testing?


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could any body plz let me know which is best training institute for telecome testing in hyderabad?


What is showstopper defect?


what are your achievements in your organization ? Guyz very very urgent , help me


What is the difference between qa, qc, and testing?


what does 80hz refresh rate indicates?


In a systen design to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has Rs 4000 of salary tax free. the next Rs 1500 is taxed at 10% , the next Rs 28000 is taxed at 22% , any further amount is taxed at 40% , the nearest whole Rs, which of these is a valid boundary value analysis test case ???? a)Rs 1500 b)Rs 32001 c)Rs 33501 d) Rs 28000.


structure of an incident report is covered in stand for software test document IEEE 829 and is called as?


hai friends can u expalin about real time process of testing at the company, like flow diagram