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in the construction of residential building what type of tank are used?where?why & what is its purpose?
How many axes do cartesian coordinate system has?
what happening if we casting HV shunt reactor foundation pad at 50cm height different time (One day difference)
how i can calculate the actual nos & size of steel to make 1000sqft. x 3"thick slab
what is difference between fluidity and workability also how palsticizer works
What is reinforced concrete?
what is the proper procedure in conducting a california bearing ratio penetration test on soil on cbr machine?
how to determine the correctness of proportion used in cement mortor and various IS codes to determine the same?
what is flexible and rigid footing?
Where will be the maximum bending moment in a TEE Beam?
How will be cutting in timber plate size 600*400 column size
How can you distinguish between sorption, absorption and adsorption?
what are the types of dimensioning?
Formula for calculation volume of essentric footing
What does civil status mean?