What is multitasking and multithreading?

Answer Posted / cheran pogu

Multitasking is similar to multiprogramming. in fact the
difference between multiprogramming and multitasking is
subtle. Multiprogramming means that the operating system
allows several programs to execute at the same time.

Multitasking means that a program running in a single
partition or region allows multiple tasks to execute
simultaneously. A task is an execution of a program or
programs for a specific user Eg. if user 1 is running PGM A
then user1 has created a task.

Multithreading is the system environment where the tasks
are sharing the same program under the multitasking
environment.Multithreading is a subset of
multitasking,since it concersn tasks which use the same

Under the multithreading environment, a program is shared
by several tasks concurrently. For each task, the program
must work as if it were executing instructions exclusively
for each task.Therefore, it requires special considerations
such as reentrancy.

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