What is inflow and outflow?

Answer Posted / viswanadha reddy.m

1)I assume when you are asking about inflow and outflow you
are talking about the aggregation tab of a key figure and
the non cumulative section. if I am correct in this
assumption; the inflow and outflow will be the way the
non-cumulative keyfigure is calculated at the query run time
(since the value is not contianed in the infocube itself but
calculated at the query runtime). in a short description
basically the inflow will be the amount of something (maybe
inventory) coming into the warehouse or something and the
outflow will be the amount of inventory leaving.

so an example of this continuing with our inventory would be
Quantity Total stock will be a non-cumalitive key figure
with reciept quantity total stock being the inflow and issue
quantity total being the outflow. thus the query will
subtract reciept - issue = total

for example u take stocks in the godown
what r material coming in to the godown is infow
what r the material going out is outflow
so total stock of the material can br found out based on
inflow and outflow
this behavior is mainly seen in inventory management

There are two ways of implementing Non cumulative Key
figure...inflow outflow is one way of doing that...mainly
used in inventory scenario...take an example...you have
issued stock and received stock data coming from R/3...in
report you need current stock based on key date ( That may
be current date ) so u cant directly subtract the two values
and cumulate them because its Non cumulative KF and
aggregated in different way.....

To implement this we create infoObject for current stock and
check the third option in infoObject " Inflow Outflow" and
there u will specify Inflow = received qty and Outflow =
Issued qty so this infoObject will always contain difference
of these two
current stock = received - issued

Also you initialize the current stock with some value initially

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