In a report i want to fetch teh data from 2 data Providers.
which condetion wil satisfy to link the 2 data providers.

ex: Q1 have columns A,B,C
Q2 has a X,Y,Z columns.

requirement is like i want to get all the columns from
those 2 tables in report A,B,C,X,Y,Z in a
single report.

Answer Posted / suvarna

You can do a trick. Suppose u have different objects in
two data providers (lets say dpA and dpB),dpA have product
related objects for example product code, product name etc
and dpB have customer related objects.U drag a object from
a dp, lets take dpA.
Now when u try to drag a object from dpB u will not be able
to do that.
For this , go to the tool bar->view data->definitions->
link the object u want to drag(say customer name from dpB)
with any object from dpA ->select Ok.Now u will be able to
drag the customer name from dpB. U will see that data
displayed in the report is not correct.Now again go to view
data and unlink the objects->select Ok.
Now u will get the correct data in the report.

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