can anybody post the appsc2008 prilims question papers

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Hello sir, I'm sowmya from Chennai finished my B.E.Computers ,I'm interested to pursue Tnpsc Group one exam. I need your help to know the details of it completely as i don't have any clear idea of it . I have entered my questions below ,please help me to know them sir. 1) Is the current year exam got over, if so or not ,can u say the approximate month usually the exam will be held up ????????? 2) May i know the book list needed to prepare for this exam and were i can get those books in Chennai ????????? 3) Is coaching or self study is good to afford sir ? which one is more then enough sir? 4) If the coaching institute affords better , can u please say which one be better to join in Chennai ???????? because all say them as best showing a newsletter so plz help me of it sir 5) Is the correct time to get preparing for the exam ? How long period it takes to prepare sir like civil service it takes lot time ????????? Please guide me sir , let me know answers for the above questions clearly sir . 6) Is aptitude preparation is also needed????? Awaiting for your response. Thank you sir.


hi every one.. im in btech 4th year i would like to know the best coaching centre for group1 in hyderabad ...


send me appsc group 1 papers


iam pursuing i want to know about group exams...... please any one help me


Hi friends,this is manju. I want to write group 1 exam..can anyone please suggest me coaching centre in hyderabad? thanks in advance


i want to know the age limit for appearing the group 1 exam


how to prepare group1 exam?and what is the syllabus?


At present wht is the APPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus.


does tea will cool most easiely in clay cup or metal cup?


hello frnz i just completed my B.E and joined in an software company. i am interested in writing group-1 exam and i have basic information like what is the syllabus and pattern of the paper but i dont know how to prepare and what material i should study for clearing the prelims. hope you understood my situation. plz help me in this aspect. thanks & regards sahaja


please let me know the minimum qualifying marks in screening test of group1 2010 to be eligible for group1 main exam.


sir,iam suresh,i'm purchasing final year in vbit...... can i eligible for group1 exam and civils


i want to write group exams please say me address of coaching centres.


hello Sir i want group 1 coaching centers and phone numbers in warangal


hi sir i am studying degree final year i want to write group1 exam please tell me sir how can i prepared for that exam for getting good rank in that exam