Symphony Services Placement Pattern

Answer Posted / sivasubramanian.k

Symphony procedure

This company particularly concentrates on java professionals. Both
freshers and experienced candidates are preferred...The interview process
is as usual...
1. Written Test
2. Technical Interview
3. HR

1. The Written Test is divided into 3 parts..First is Analytical
section consist of 15 mathematical stuff. The tough part is that these 15
questions have no options..You have to find the answer and write it in
space provided. Some of the questions are:

a)You have Rs.2 with u.You have to play a game in which if u win u will
get 1 Re. and if lost you will lose 1 Re.You can lose up to 3 times..But
if u get 5 Rs, you are left out of the game..In how many ways is this

b)5 men can do equal amount of work as 8 women. If 3 men and 5 women
combinely do job in 10 days, then how many woman required to finish it in
14 days?

c) An equilateral triangle of side 3 cm each is given, How many triangles
can be made from this equilateral triangle of 1cm?

d)Some blood relation question...

e)45 is divided into 4 parts.3 is added to first part,2 is subtracted from
second part,4 multiplied wth third part and fourth part is divided by
2..All these will result in the same answer Find the parts...(Not sure
about digits but same pattern)

f)If the sum is compounded annually to thrice itself for every 3 years.
Then by 9 years what will be the amount?

g) If the sides of a rectangle is increased by 100%,then by how much times
its area will get increased?

h)If population of a city is increasing at a rate 0f 14,000 per 100 people
and in another city it is decreasing at rate of 10000 per 400 people,
compare their ratios...
i) An exam consist of 150 qns in which a person score 480 marks,Then he
gets 4 marks for each correct answer and lose 2 marks for wrong answer,how
many correct answers are there?
j)A journey 0f 100 km..If he goes for 40km/hr and comes back at 60 km/hr,
what is the average speed of the total journey?
k)Out of 80 counterfeit like qns (Refer Shakuntala Devi)

Second section is Language section…Some synonyms like candid, bland,
austere, allure, animated, etc
And some questions like Burrow: Rabbit :: (4 options to choose as similar
match) ,Some 20 question were there on English..Including some grammar
also (Fill in the blanks)…

Third section is on Java Technology.

Those who have prepared for SCJP (Java certification) this section may be
a cake walk..It consist of around 22 questions concentrating mainly on
core java programs..Study the basics thoroughly…Some last 4 questions were
on SQL concepts.

The panel will be asking all the basics if u are a fresher..If u are
experienced then they will ask on current projects ..For fresher
concentrate on college projects and any projects done in java…They will
ask on JSP and Servlets.
Tell me about urself..(always asked) Some more questions…. Be prepared..
All the Best…..

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