What is Distributed Processing?

Answer Posted / ishwar wagh

The distribution of applications and business logic across
multiple processing platforms. Distributed processing
implies that processing will occur on more than one
processor in order for a transaction to be completed. In
other words, processing is distributed across two or more
machines and the processes are most likely not running at
the same time, i.e. each process performs part of an
application in a sequence. Often the data used in a
distributed processing environment is also distributed
across platforms.


Refers to any of a variety of computer systems that use more
than one computer, or processor, to run an application. This
includes parallel processing, in which a single computer
uses more than one CPU to execute programs. More often,
however, distributed processing refers to local-area
networks (LANs) designed so that a single program can run
simultaneously at various sites. Most distributed processing
systems contain sophisticated software that detects idle
CPUs on the network and parcels out programs to utilize them.

Another form of distributed processing involves distributed
databases, databases in which the data is stored across two
or more computer systems. The database system keeps track of
where the data is so that the distributed nature of the
database is not apparent to users.

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