Why am I getting this error messege when I'm trying to
Sincronize user accounts....ERROR MESSEGE- Invalid Target

Answer Posted / shashi

As a matter of fact, we do know why you’re getting a Type
Mismatch error, and it’s a common problem when working with
the WMI class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. The line
in your script that’s causing the problem most likely looks
something like this:
Wscript.Echo "IP Address: " & objItem.IPAddress

So what’s the problem? Well, the IPAddress property is
actually stored as an array; that’s because it’s possible
for multiple IP addresses to be assigned to a single
network adapter. You’re treating IPAddress as though it was
a string or numeric variable and it’s not; an array is a
totally different datatype. Hence the Type Mismatch error.

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