when is group 1 2008 prelims result

Answer Posted / sunny

it may be in the middle of the may (i.e may 15-20)

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I am completed my graduation (Bachelor of commerce)in 2005 and my age now 27 going on..date of biry 05-07-1984 is am qualified for attempt group1? moreove am OC (reddy) please let me...


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Hi!! Am dng my btech.,3rd yr, n my stream is ECE. Aftr btech I wish to appear fr Group-1. I'l b very thankful if u provide d necessary info regardng hw to proceed vt d preparatn and othr details requird...I'l b thnkfl fr d guidance..


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I belong to SC category and i secured 68 marks in APPSC group 1.I'm I eligible give my mains exam. Thanks in advance.


Hi, do I need to achive 50% marks in every subject or in grand total.


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i want to write group1 exam.can i write one paper in english and another in telugu in mains?


I want to know whether any fresh batches are starting for APPSC Group 1 coaching at RC Reddy Study Circle and its fee structure, timing, duration and from when the new batches are starting. They are not responding on telephone or by mail. Hence anybody who knows about the same Plz inform to my mail nimmi5508@gmail.com


can i get d full details about group-1 iam gng 2 prepare for the post of dsp


i want to write group exams please say me address of coaching centres.


hello frnz i just completed my B.E and joined in an software company. i am interested in writing group-1 exam and i have basic information like what is the syllabus and pattern of the paper but i dont know how to prepare and what material i should study for clearing the prelims. hope you understood my situation. plz help me in this aspect. thanks & regards sahaja