Thanks A.jyotsna,
Can u tell me differnce between abstract class and interface


Answer Posted / mohammad shoiab

Difference Between Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Abstraction - A way to provide a view to an object
In real life we have examples like resume,hotel menu,
trailer of a movie as examples for abstraction. They
provide an insight into the other object.
Abstract classes and Interfaces are implementation of
abstract class - when u want to create classification or
hierarchy of classes, u can use inheritance and generally
your parent classes would like to impose certain compulsory
behavior along with some free behaviours. in such a case
the compulsory behavior to be declared as abstract, there
by the class should also be declared as abstract, so the
right place for abstract class is only in the case of
Interface - Interface are more related to roles, like for
example, u r a kind of human, and u r playing the role of a
programmer, here human could be a abstract parent class
and programmer could be a interface.
In real life all roles carry compulsory behaviors and if
you want to get into some role, then it is compulsory to
implement all the methods of the role.
"The world is a stage, every one is a actor, every actor
carries a mask, and when the mask changes the role changes,
and when the role changes the behaviour changes"
The roles are interfaces - u know very well one person can
carry many roles, so one class can carry many interfaces
but it can belong to only one classification. Thats why
multiple inheritance is allowed for interfaces and not
allowed for abstract or concrete classes,

Happy!!! - want to know more fundas - contact me -
Shoiab - 9840135749 - Haaris Infotech - The Java Trainers -

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