what is the difference between water fall and v model ?

Answer Posted / sneha

In Waterfall model ,the ouput of each phase will become
input to the next phase...we can't go back in this
waterfall modal and this work fine where there is no
frequent change in requriment.
Where as in V- Modal testing and developing goes parllely...
while doing verification we can aslo do the validations...
we can desing the testcases for user acceptance when the
requirement analysis phase is going. we can design the
system design testcase when the system engineers analysis
the user requirements..we can design the Integration test
design when the architecture design is carried out and we
can design the unit test cases when the module design is
carried and after all these completed then coding phase
will be started...once it is done the validation phase cums
in to picture. we will execute the test cases for which we
have designed already...in each phase like first unit
testing then integration testing,system testing and user
acceptance testing.

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