Give an example of High sevierity and low priority

Answer Posted / lokesh chauhan

Severity describes the seriousness of the bug.

Due to a bug a total module may not be accessed.For example

bug1: if "Application"button is clicked then it should
open the application form page. If the button click does
not work then it can be described as severity is "high".

bug2: If the click of "Application" button opens the
application page but the details needs to be displayed in
the current page are not displayed then it can be described
as severity is "medium".

bug3: If the caption of the "Application" button is
misspelled as "Aplication" then it can be described as
severity is "low"

Priority describes what is the bug which needs to be fixed
at the earliest. This is normally decided by the PM.

For example in the above case if the "application module"
need not be submitted immediately then bug1 and bug3 may be
given "high" priority where as bug2 may be given
priority "low"

In the above case if the "application module" has to be
given immediately then all the three bugs bug1,bug2,bug3
are given "high" priority.

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