Hi Frds., i am Nithi here.here in my company i am working
in manual testing ie. application testing only front end
not back end like i will enter datas and check whether the
record gets updated r not.
what kind of testig is this? and some people r working on
scripting languages same manual testing
what is the difference between these two testing?

ans please
thanks in advance

Answer Posted / nitu

according to my opinion u r doing functional testing which
is also called "black box" testing. As "black box"
suggests, no knowledge of internal logic or code structure
is required that;s why u can only enter the data in the
database and can't check whether records get updated or no.
and those people who r working with scripting language they
must know the internal logic of the software we can say
that they r doing "white box" testing in which the test
written based on the incorporate coverage of the code
written, branches, paths, statements and internal logic of
the code.
hey, pls reply

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Hi Friends, This is Chennamsubbaraidu.i Have 2+ Years Realtime Exp in Manual Testing.Am Looking to Shift From My Present Company.Please if u Have Any Openings in Your Company's, Please Let Me Know.Any Location Prefer.Thanks.


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hi all I have an overall experience of 12 years working in an EDP setup(worked in a manufacturing setup in a German MNC). On my request, I was relieved from my duties in Sep 06 for maternity reasons. However I would like to pursue a career in a software organization as a manual tester. I obtained my proficiency certificate in Software Testing from STAG SOFTWARE LIMITED 2 months ago i.e in May and would now like to continue working in this field. However I am unable to find a job until now. If anybody knows of a opening at bangalore, kindly let me know.


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There is an opening in our organization Sierra Atlantic, Hyderabad. All Manual test engineers with 2-3 years of experience can forward your resumes to mah_cs82@yahoo.com before May 01, 2008. (Only manual testers) with a covering letter, current CTC and Expected CTC.


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