What are the various versions of QTP that have been
released so far? Please also mention the year of release
for each version
Answer Posted / ajreddy
9.2- 2007 starting
9.5 Jan 2008
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how to idetfy which test cases are automated?who will deside that plz tell me
In QA Testing when do you use Loadrunner vs QTP? What are the main differences between those two tools? Explain the purpose with real world scenario examples...In advance thank you!!!
How can I find out the cursor position through QTP suppose I am keep tabbing(Pressing the tab key continuously) and stoped at a position Now I want to find out where the cursor position is
What is QTP testing process?
What is debugging? How you debug your script?
Presently i am working on QTP 8.2 Version,i want to know features in 9.2 version, because i have not sufficient time to put the effort on the 9.2 version
how can i pass a "automation script" as a parameter in a function give me need full suggestion thank inadvance
How many add-ins comes by default with quicktest professional (qtp)?
What is the use of running the scripts in Hidden-mode in UFT?
How many types of trigger events are there in qtp?
1.How to record ,capture and also script to capture the close buttons. 2.How to record ,capture and also script to capture the options ---File ->save and File ->close in a browser and PDF files. 3.How to compare the Excel sheet values in a report using QTP scripting. 4.How to compare 2 PDf reports using QTP scripts as well reording. 5.How to compare 2 Excel reports using QTP scripts as well reording. 6.How to save a PDF report to a folder and then translate the report to an Excel type of report and compare that Excel Report with an other excel report. Please clarify me
Explain calling sub procedure.
What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager?
Explain the concept of object repository & how qtp recognizes objects?
hou can we use vb script in qtp could u tell me breafly