What is trusted/untrusted operating system?

Answer Posted / shiva

As per my perspective , I used to say any/all UNIX flavors
rather than MS WINDOWS

Because of
1. File/Directory permission (Action:Read/Write/Execute,
permissions can be given on behalf of the particular

2. All the unix configuration as files rather than
Registry (windows)
a. which cause the application to fail when a newer
or incompatible dynamic library is installed.
b. Some times you may need to restart the entire
system to update the changes with registry.

3. Linux Strong password protection. It won't get booted
(Drop you @ the GUI) without the successful
authentication (even though you don't have any more
users rather than admin/root).In Linux setting
password to the admin/root users is must during the
installation itself.

Where as in windows, let allow you to leave the
password as blank for admin/other user, System also
booting without authenticating.

4. Linux is open source, free under GNU. It doesn't mean
that its only free to install or use, but in fact you
can have these source codes and they are allowing you
to change it and redistribute it.

Windows is Lincesed os. Windows is developed by

5. Linux is more secure, windows is less secure than
linux in case of virus, worms.
Because in Linux all the files/directory won't get
executable permission, Perhaps you need to set it
manually. Though by default all the incoming trojen,
virus, malwares and worms won't affect the system.

6. Distribution
Linux : Linux has many distributors like Radhat,
mandrake, Corel etc
Windows : whereas windows has only Micrsoft.

7. Run Level
Linux works on both GUI & Console mode (Checkout the
various run levels runlevel 0 - runlevel 6 Generally
known as init level)).
Windows : Only GUI.

8. By default LINUX have multiuser, multitasking,
multiprocessing, multiprogramming features. Perhaps
this will not be available on windows(Except some
versions), In that case you need to PAY & BUY

the extra features in windows.

9. You can play around the Linux through LIVE CDS on a
Windows machine.

Only is a live CD that runs over windows, in RAM,
and doesn't change your system at all..the other is
an install disk. I've used the live CD on two XP
machines and they both ran flawlessly. When you
want to quit, just go to logout under system tools,
and shut down.
Linux will turn itself off, eject the disk, and turn
of your PC.
Remove the disk, boot up, and you're running your
Windows again.

This is the way we are checking the newly bought
NIC/others hardwares support with all the Linux
distributors. Once it got detected, its very easy to
get the device driver names and other details about
that new hardwares, then compile the new kernel
image (bzImage) on your own build version systems.

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