Which place you will visit in USA?

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We are residents from UAE and my 2 children doing higher studies in USA and i want to apply for B2 Visa and we have got land , building properties and i can self sponsor for the visit. Am i eligible to go . what sould i do ? Please reply to submadkicdar@gmail.com


Hi, I had submitted applications to sponsor visitor Visa for my parents. During the application process, I had selected Hyderabad as the consulate. I want to schedule an interview in kannada and since my parents are residents of Karnataka, I am being asked to take up an interview at Chennai. Since my application confirmation lists Hyderabad as the selected consulate, Will there be a problem if the interview is taken in Chennai. Please advice. Thank you


Hi, I got B2 visa for ten years. I visited U.S three times and returned back within scheduled time stipulated by U.S immigration authorities. Last visit is from 8th May to Oct 20th of 2010. Now I want to renew my visa for further period of 5 or 10 years. I would like to know the procedure and required papers.


I apply visitor visa and two time I face interview in Kuwait, one time in Sri Lanka 3 time,But I am faild the interview,They ask about the ties I everthing is show them who interview me the consulaer please can you explain to me. Thank you


my boy friend is in USA. his a citizen of US for over 10 years now and working. i want to go for visit, for 1 month. i don't want to stay there with he now, until we get married. pls can u tell me what is involved. the necessary document i needed for the trip and what to do. thanks


I want to attend an international conference in USA to present my paper. am a Ph.D student. I have a visa interview on 6th october 2010. what should be my minimum bank balance? yet to get a travel grant letters from govt. funding agencies.


My fiancy(2 years back we got engagement and we planned to marry in next year), on vacation he is back to india and also he went to usa recentlty. now he is home sick he is unable to focus on his work he is sending all the the documents for b2 visa.how much chance to get visa .can any one help me what questions they will ask me


i want to go to us on visitors visa to give entrance exama s for dds. so pplz guide me in interview whether i shud disclose that my brother is there or not


my brother and bhabhi are settleed in usa. my bhabhi is pregnant. i want to go to usa to meet them on tourist visa. what should i say to consulate in embassy.


my husband is on f1 visa.my f2 visa rejected twice on the basis of insufficient funds.pls advice me wat to do next.am i elligible for visit visa when should i apply for that


I am scheduled for a B2 visitor visa interview at chennai.As I am an asthma patient,I use inhaler frequently evry one hr.Will they allow me to carry the inhaler which is a small handy gadget with me into the consulate


Hi, I applied for B2 visa in Jan.. it was rejected.. i reapplied in april it was rejected again.. Should I apply for F1 now as I plan to takje up a course too.. or how long should i wait for applying??


My husband and I both possess US visas and would like to travel soon. We would like to travel with our 7 month old daugther who does not have one. What is the possibility of her getting one so that we can travel together.


My friend send me an invitation letter to play a role in the festival holding at his restaurant for one week


hi!am ajel from philippines but im stay here in kuwait together with my husband. he is American who working here in kuwait. we are planning to visit state this year. together with my daughter but she is in phillipines. can we apply her visit visa in US here in kuwait US embassy even do she is in philippines.