What does the Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA) do?

A.) Restore lost frames

B.) Builds routing tables for routing through an internetwork

C.) Forward packets through a switch

D.) STA is implemented by STP to prevent loops

Answer Posted / guest

Answer: D

IEEE 8021.d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) was developed to

routing loops in a network. If a router, switch, or hub has
more then

one path to the same destination, a routing problem could
occur. To

prevent this, the Spanning Tree Protocol is executed between
the devices

to detect and logically block redundant paths from the
network. The main

function of the Spanning Tree Protocol is to allow redundant

paths without suffering the effects of loops in the network.

The Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA) implemented by STP
prevents loops by

calculating a stable Spanning Tree network topology. When
creating fault

tolerant internetworks, a loop-free path must exist between
all Ethernet

nodes in the network. Spanning Tree frames called Bridge
Protocol Data

Units (BPDUs) are sent and received by all switches in the
network at

regular intervals.

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