can any one tell me the following question's answer
1. How can we create PUSH Botton in presentation layer.
2.How can we print the record.
3.If database has nor records & if we write 'for all
entries' in select statement then what will be happen.

Answer Posted / bandivenkateswarlu

1.create the pushbutton in Presentation server by using the
syntax is given below.

for creating the pushbutton:

selection-screen pushbutton 10(06) 'name of pushbutton'
user-command cli1.
This is initilized into the Initialization event in the
classical report.
2.print the record by using the statement Loop at

Loop at Itab
write: itab-field.
3.if database has no records it will work as like this.
first up all it will check the base table if this table is
empty then it will retrive the data from the destination
table based on the condition.

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