we have emp table like Ename,EDOJ,EDOB with Column
structure.but we want to know the employee Age.How? Any
Body Plz
Answer Posted / rajesh k. gupta
In order to answer your question I would like to put all
three possible answers as follows:-
1.If You want to find out the age of employee as on the
date of Joining (Field name EDOJ) then Query will be
select *,datediff(year,EDOB,EDOJ) as Eage from emp
2. If you want to find out the age of employees as on
current date, query will be as follows:-
select *,datediff(year,EDOB,getdate()) from emp
3. If you want to find out age as on specific date stored
and taken from other variable then query will be :-
You need to declare a variable as datetime then need to
tore its value to it.
declare @dtb datetime
set @dtb='1990/01/10'
select *,datediff(year,EDOB,@dtb) from emp
For any clarification Please feel free to contact me.
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