Can anybody help me by sharing some knowledge on software
testing life cycle, how testing process done under
UT,IT,ST,PT,UAT.?please explai me briefly regarding this.

Best Regards,

Answer Posted / sabs

STLC specifies the different stages in testing.

STLC coveres the below stages
1. Test planning
2. Test development
3. Test execution
4. Result analysis
5. Bug reporting
6. Preparation of reports
UT:unit testing is a procedure used to validate that
individual units of source code are working properly. A
unit is the smallest testable part of an application.
IT:After Is the phase of software tesing individual softare
modules are combined and tested as a follows unit
testing and precedes system testing.
ST:System Testing of a software or hardware is perfomed on
a complete.integrated system to evaluate the performance of
the system's with its specified reruirement. system testing
is an investigatory testing phase.which would include the
below testing phases like GUI software testing.Usability
testing,performance testing,sanity testing etc..
PT;Performace testing is performed on one perspective,to
determine how fast some aspects of system performs under
perticular workload.

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