PROPERTIES boxs only WINDOW AND WIN OBJECT remaining pages
and links , images not displaying in web application testing.
how can I get the pages and links in object selection?
Please anyone tell me?

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I am having major problems with some DB Table Checkpoints I add to my script. I 35 web based applications recorded and each has DB Table Checkpoints insert but only 1 script isn't recognizing the DB Table Checkpoints for some reason. I've checked the DB connections and the info in the Library Functions and still only this one script out of 35 doesn't recognize the DB Table Checkpoints. Can someone please help me figure out why only this one script out of 35 that's hitting the same database is having a problem.


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What is the difference between QTP and WinRunner? Why do you choose only QTP for automation among remaing tools like Rational robot and silk test? Write the VBscript for any functionality in your project ? What is the cost of QTP ? If you entered into yahoo mail with your valid user name then you will get FOR EXAMPLE , " welcome to krishna " on the top of inbo page , how can you test it in QTP? What type of testing you can do, when we gave you 5 screens and how can you test that application? What type of framework you are using in your company and explain it?


after initiating one project for testing, when exacltly QTP tester role starts?


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How can i use virtual objects? If have i created one new virtual object in a virtual object manager by following instructions.