what is meant by keyboard driven test?

Answer Posted / sid

The Keyword-Driven or Table-Driven Testing Framework
Keyword-driven testing and table-driven testing are
interchangeable terms that refer to an application-
independent automation framework. This framework requires
the development of data tables and keywords, independent of
the test automation tool used to execute them and the test
script code that "drives" the application-under-test and
the data. Keyword-driven tests look very similar to manual
test cases. In a keyword-driven test, the functionality of
the application-under-test is documented in a table as well
as in step-by-step instructions for each test.

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Hi, Below is the code that i ran on selenium RC using eclipse IDE and java coding.: package source; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; public class parameterized extends SeleneseTestCase { private Selenium browser; public static void main(String []args) { String arr[] = new String[5]; arr[0]= "bert"; arr[1]= "regular"; arr[2]= "copyonly"; arr[3]= "doert"; arr[4]= "inter"; parameterized obj = new parameterized(); obj.setUp(); obj.login_parameterize(arr); } @BeforeSuite public void setUp() { browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444, "*chrome", "http://goolge.com"); browser.start(); browser.open("http://goolge.com"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); browser.windowMaximize(); browser.open("/"); browser.click("gb_23"); } @Test public void login_parameterize(String[] arr ) { for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=2; j++) { browser.type("//input[@id='Email']", arr[i]); browser.type("//input[@id='Passwd']", arr[i]); browser.click("//input[@id='signIn']"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); } } } public void EnterValuesIntoTextField_CheckWithGetValue() throws Exception { selenium.open("http://www.essaywriter.co.uk"); assertEquals("", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); selenium.type("id=textInput", "Text In The Field"); assertEquals("Text In The Field", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); } } When i ran this test i got an error which says: "Method login_parameterize requires 1 parameters but 0 were supplied in the @Test annotation." Any help is much appreciated. thank Gab


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