2.6.3 User Interface
Different Polls could be present at different channels,
pages within channels, and at home page. User interface for
Poll will be as described below:

- Beneath poll current result(running status) to be
shown in graphical form(say progressing bar chart) all the
time, in same window as poll.
- Link ""All Polls >>"" to take user to Polls home
page which will have all the active polls with results
- All the polls not older than one month will come
under Active polls category.
- User can take Active open polls, but cannot react
to Active closed polls. Can only view results of active
closed polls.
- No Interactives available for polls - "Add a
comment", "Rate"
- Registered User can take a poll only once, after
that only result is shown to user. To unregistered user it
will be open.

2.6.4 Interfacing/Sourcing Details
- Polls is going to be a separate module, an internal
application, which editor/admin can publish.
- Admin/Editor should be able to publish polls on
separate channels, pages. Assign closure dates.
- Admin/Editor can upload images, change look n feel,
add a brand, link/url to it.
- System to capture user details(screen name/name,
id, email id), do loyalilty points calculation and add to
user loyality points.
2.6.5 Rules and Conditions
Unless assigned a closure date, by default all Polls will
be open for 30 days.

this is the SRS how to write the test cases for the above
functionalities help me

Answer Posted / jagadish

this is not single scenario man first design the test
scenarios then u can design the test cases easily
any how i am writing some scenarios with the test cases.
1> Different Polls could be present at different channels,
pages within channels, and at home page.?
scenario1: checking the different polls present in the home page
Scenario2: checking the different polls present in the
different channels
Scenario3: checking the different polls present in the xyz
channel page
if i have to write for all it takes more than this if needed
to write more please contact me on jagadishk.9454@gmail.com

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