what do you look for in a job?

Answer Posted / jaja

jaja again--->
stability,benefits and personal growth

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I am working in a company situated at Maharashtra. Now looking for a job change & have as offer from a well known company situated at Chennai & posting is also in chennai. What would be a reasonable salary hike should demand for the post while negotiating as currently I am drawing 5 Lac PA in Maharashtra. Please advice...


i had an backlog in my engg finial year.so i am counted as 2008 or 2009 passout for applying to IT companies? so what should i keep it in my resume thanks in advance.


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Can any one solve this one?? **A server configuration is controlled from a single web page with multiple options:  20 drop-down menus, with 3-4 options each.  5 check-boxes.  1 multi-select menu, with 5 options.  1 template selection, with 6 options: A, B, C, D, E, F. o When options A, B, C, D are selected, all options (#1-#3) above are available. o When options E, F are selected, only 10 out of 20 drop-down menus have an effect.  Besides item #4, developers input is that all options are independent, I.e., not impacting each other. What is the required number of test configurations required in order to test the server configuration and release in good quality:  Assuming first release.  Assuming regression tests for release with new features not impacted by the above options. Test configuration is a complete set of options that were selected to be tested in one complete server configuration scenario. I.e, a test configuration is set of 17 or 27 specific options tested together.


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hi This s mangalam.I had cleared the SBI Clerical written test.waiting for interview.Could you tell me what are documents required for interview? and what are the things i Need to prepared for interview? Kindly help me.


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Hi, I am Jafar Ansarsi, I have total 13+ yrs of Exp in IT(Oracle,PL/sql,Developer,Discovere etc) Field,along with Exp in Operation,Manufacturing,Logistics & HRMS. I have worked on Basically 'ORION' Product of 3i-Infotech. with UAE exp, looking for good job in ERP either ORACLE or same ORION Product. if anyone have something pls let me know at ansari.jafar.3i@gmail.com


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