tell about ur self

Answer Posted / chandra sekhar

Hi It is not enough for an interview.
My name is chandra sekhar
I have worked with different clients such as TCS, Wipro
and others
I have worked with different domains such as telecom,
pharma and banking.
I have storng exp in QA methodologies such as waterfall, V
and rup
I have strong exp in write test plan with test lead
I have strong exp in write test cases
I have strong expp in unit , integration , regre, system
and user acceptance
I I ---exp in record GUI cripts, enhance GUI scripts,
runGUI Scripts , analyse the results and logged the defects
with severity and priority.
I have strong exp in prepare the reports of bug and testing
i have strong exp in attend all kinds of meeting with dev
team and QA team.
I -------- in write the SQL queries with DML , DDL and TCL
I ---- in intall the H/w and S/w in QA environment.
I -----

I ----
Like this . If any wrong pl let me know . I can correct my

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