Hi This is tanya actually im facing problem in Qtp actully
some time QTP doesnot recoznise the recorded object due to
which script is going to fail.so can you tell me how we can
handle this situation and i have another concerened issue
is that at the time of run New errors comes every time so
how we can handle this sitauation how we can add Recovery
scenarios to the script.some time application runs
successfully and some time it produces new error thats why
i am facing lot of problem please give me the sugeestion as
soon as possible.

Answer Posted / mohammad

hi dude call me i will give my noyes that will clarfy ur
doubts call freely 09739391626

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i have to login into gmail loginpage i have to pass testcase into userid and password by using functions. the test case of user id is it should take only lowerletters alphabetin between 4 to 6 length.it should not take spectial letters.it should not take numbers.testcase for password is it should take numbers and it should not take alphabets note the following things must happen 1 when i give correct password and userid that password and userid should be seen in QTP result and notepad,xl sheet 2 when i gave in valid password the system willgive message please give valid password that particular messaage should be seen in QTP result,norepa and xl sheet


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