Answer Posted / praveen
Converting from value type to reference type is called boxing
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19. Given a system that is described with the following equation, X=A+(B.(A̅+C)+C)+A.B.(D̅+E̅) a) Simplify the equation using Boolean Algebra. b) Implement the original and then the simplified equation with a digital circuit. c) Implement the original and then the simplified equation in ladder logic.
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there are N number of matchboxes numbered 1...N.each matchbox contain various number of stick.Two player can alternatevely pick some amount of stick from the higest stick containing box . The player is condidered win if there is no stick after his move.Find the final move so that the move player win. Note:In case the number of stick is equal ,pick the stick from the higest numbered box. eg: 3 box contain stick as:1,1,1. if u take 1 stick from 3rd numbred box you will any how win the match.
iam confused to choose among testing, .net and java can anybody help me????????