hi. I Am working in Small IT company as Test Engineer. But
am looking for change. I have 2+yrs experience, but my
problem is MCA 72%, remaining all are Second Division. plz
give solution for my problem.am elgible for MNC's or not.
if not plz give suggestion............ already i forwarded
my resume to lot of MNC's but. I didn,t get
CAL............ plz give any suggestion.

Answer Posted / js

Hi first of all u won't mention percentage in the resume,
once u will get call from mnc, u will attend the
interview.....actuall u have 2+ yrs so the didn't consider
ur percentage.......

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write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object..


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Hi Friends, I worked with 8.2 not with 9.2. Please help me in this prob. I created one script and recorded some think and save as Test 1 then I opened process--open the object repository manager. Switch to file->save->give some name->save as Objectrepo1.tsr file. (This is the global repository file.) Then I went to object repository->tools-> associate repository ->click + icon ->open the previously saved Objectrepo1.tsr file. This is the global repository Now I created one more script and save as Test 2. In this script I am calling script with the Help of "Call of existing action" and I executed but QTP is not able to execute B’cos it is QTP is not able to read the Object Repository of Test 1. Please let me know why? Once I made Script 1 as a shared Obj. Repository so it would not give any Problem. Right?


i am trying to automate yatra.com,in that site, when i go to automate the Leaving from field showing as a WEBEDIT, but when i enter 1 or 2 char, it displaying dropdownlist, i try to use keyboard automation to select the item from that list but it is not possible, can anybody help he. Thans for posting the Answer


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How to read a text file from QC using QTP. I would like to do something like this. But instead read a file from QC and NOT from my local drive. Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set InputFile = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt", ForReading) Thanks


I am getting the "test object property" Description properties "toolkit class" value By using "gettoproperty" in run time But my problem is how to get Ordinal Identyfier's type and value Type is index, value is 0 How can i keep this values in to required place How can i get these values in runtime I have to insert these "index" and "value" into another area Is there any script for this like "gettoproperties","Getroproperties" If anybody knows,please help me .


Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?


how do you parameterize search button from the website? the page is a single winobject and i have made a virtual object button of search button but search box can't be converted into a winedit and if we try to convert it into winedit the value we enter in a searchbox appears as numbers in the script so we arent able to parameterize.help!!!


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How you debug your script?