I have completed B.E.Electronics in may,1998.Completed one
year computer course at NIIT in 1999....In 2000, I joined
as electronics trainee in a small organisation. I continued
in that job and resigned in 2005....... Till now I didnot
get job. I have done software testing course in hyd. I want
to show this 2+ years gap as exp.and want to get job. how?
Can you give some projects with details in web as well as
in client/server technology. I will practice them as if it
were real project. How can I get job in testing field? I am
new to this field. I have no exp.in this field.... Any
consultencies please...how to proceed .....

Answer Posted /


There are lot of websites that provides lot of information
today on the web. Please look into the techinterviews.com
gives you an idea how the testing job will be. You need to
have a minimum knowledge regarding testing tools like
winrunner, QTP e.t.c. To learn these tools you have a free
15 day trials on the website not a big deal for you as you
did B.E., So good luck!

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