Explain the flow of data in Iinformatica?

Answer Posted / nmlabsonline.net

I)go to create repository.
II)configar the Informatica server in workflow manager.
1)create folder in repository manager.then exit
2)Go to designer connect Repository then open folder select
source go to upper toolbar select tools--->source ok
autometically comes upper toolbar source.
3)go to upper toolbar select source--->import source then
give ODBC connection then after import source from which
database you wont,select tables then ok.
3)same as target table go to upper toolbar select tools---
>warehouse designer ok, auto metically comes target in
upper toolbar
4)select upper toolbar targets import metadata table
through ODBC connection then ok
5) then after upper toolbar tools--->mapping designer
select ok, autometically comes upper toolbar mapping comes
6)select mapping create ok
give mapping name then after select source in leftside
navigater source table drag and drop and same target table
drag and drop autometically comes source and source
Qualyfier then give link SQ to target(TGT) table link grag
and drop then save repository its valid or not check its
valied go to next step other wise check again
IV)go to work flow manager
connect repository select folder create same as itis
session give session name and link to mapping it
autometically asking which mapping you want then after same
as itis workflowdesigner select workflow then give name
then ok
after drag and drop session then after give link in upper
toolbar tools in linktask ok
then session doubble click then after select upper toolbar
select mappings give source path and target path then after
save and ok then save repository workflow toolbar start
work flow
autometically comes work flow moniter

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