Code for display the images from drive using vb 6.0?

Answer Posted / joebin

vb interview qt

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hi, all this is shoba m.c.a . i have learned abap but no oppurtunities right now as fresher , right now i want to learn any course on demand any one pls suggest me good course and institute in hyderabad


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A good website has the following conditions It should be interactive. It should contain at least 20 images. Title cannot be null and should contain at least 10 letters other than spaces and hyphen (-). The keywords should contain atleast three among the following list : "design", "Graphics", "lovely", "beautiful", "amazing" and "mesmerising" Write a method: boolean isGoodWebsite(boolean isInteractive, int numOfImages, String title,String keywords[]) isInteractive whether the site is interactive or not numOfImages Number of images on the website title Title of the website keywords Array of keywords in the website.


Any real time example of O2C process from taking order till creating invoice.


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