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What kind of decoration was used on these simple empire dresses?
Hello sir/Madam, i am intrested in modelling, as i am 27 yrs old. please sujjest me some idea or the tips ,help me out. Regards Sharath.k
Who was Beau Brummell?
i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?
What was a tippet?
What was the name of the much copied hairstyle from the series 'The Avengers' in the late 1970s?
When was neo gothic influence in dress fashions at its peak?
Write short note on fashion forecasting
What is fashion forecasting?
When was Napoleon Bonaparte crowned Emperor of France? Which of his wives was great fashion leader and icon of the day?
What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.
To which top supermodel was Richard Gere once married?
Explain fashion cycle.
How fashion accessory match with garment?
What was an early pelisse?