What is sequence of code in retrieving data from database ?
Answer Posted / payal
//In this answer there is sqlserver
/*i write this code in vb.net with windows applications and
use sql server provider*/
//first need namespace
//need connection,command,connection string
dim sqlcmd as sqlcommand
dim sqlcon as sqlconnection
dom da as sqldataadaptor
dim ds as dataset
dim constr as sting="user
password=sss;datasource=sds;initial catalog=fgf"
/*connection string give all details about database
connection initial catalog means data base name and data
source is sqlserver name,user id and password also*/
//open connection and pass connection string
sqlcon=new sqlconnection(constr)
//create new object of command with new keyword
sqlcmd=new sqlcommand("select * from tablename",sqlcon)
/*data adapter is mediater between the data base and data
set because dataset is work in disconneted mode.*/
da=new sqldataadaptor(sqlcmd)
/*data adapter fetch query to data base and get answer and
fil the dataset using fill*/
/*there is datagird which i use for display data on
form.data from dataset i use this bind to datagrid*/
datagird.datasource=ds.tables("table name")
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