When and why do you use "OPTION EXPLICIT" in VB Script.
Is there any online help or something to learn the script
for Beginners?

Answer Posted / pallavi nandula

When you use the Option Explicit statement, you must
explicitly declare all variables using the Dim, Private,
Public, or ReDim statements. If you attempt to use an
undeclared variable name, an error occurs.

VBScript ingeneral doesn't need variable declaration. For
example without using "Dim" a variable can be directly used
for assigning etc. For ex: temp=1

However, such practise can always be error prone. Ex: if i
want to use the same variable in someother statement and
miss spell it,say


VBScript still considers "tempe" as valid. This case if we
use OPTION EXPLICIT On top of our application and proceed
then application will not proceed unless until u declare
each and every variable. Hence u make sure that ur variable
is serving ur purpose.

in this example u recognize that "tempe" is not desired.
Hope this clarifies.

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