what is deferred in defect life cycle

Answer Posted / satyaprasad

Posting Phonnig the resolution of the bug due lack of
time,lack of knowledge is called deffered

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Have u ever done testing related to a database,give examples to support u r answer.


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6 what do you like least about testing?


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Hi Frnds, this is Aman.. can anybody tell me plz what kind of QA Interview questions are asked by IDS Infotech Ltd., Chandigarh? I have lil bit experience only in Manual Testing.. Plz answer my question as soon as possible.. Thnx in advance..


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how to write test cases on SRS?tell me any example which type of certification is usefull for less then 1 yr exp. people in testing. can anybody know immediatly sent it which the answer


I know functional test cases are derived from frs and system design specs. But are test cases for performance, database, boundary, relational integrity and other types of tests other than functional tests created from frs and system design specs as well? When are these test cases created? Are they in the same test plans alongside functional test cases or is their a different test plan that includes these test cases?


Could someone please send me real check list for Database Security testing.Please my mail ID- patil.ramchandra@yahoo.co.in. Thanks.


Explain branch coverage and decision coverage.