What does SIDBI mean ?

Answer Posted / g.sai prasanna lakshmi


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i am preparing for BOB PO exam.......so i need last five year question paper with solved answers.also tell how to prepre for exam....and also suggest the material for PO exam...kindly send it to my id:kowsi_tech@yahoo.com.kindly send it as soon as possible..


Hii I HV been selected for federal manipal gd n interview how shall I prepare.. Pls help me!


Hello Sir I have done BAMS and MBA Health and hospital management. I have clear Indian bank specialist office credit sale II exam and interview is on date 3 aug 2015. Please suggest some good answers for question why you want to join bank after completion of your degree in medical profession?


hi i am shortlisted to assistant manager in idbi bank..could u help me how to prepare for dat


Hi i am kranthi i have qualified for ibps po's exam, please send some interview questions


I have Called fr SBI PO interview will u plz suggest wat kind of questions are asked i m already working in SBI as Assistant.


hi,, i have been selected for idbi assitant manager written..cld anybody help me out..that on which part shld i do i concentrate,,


Has anyone any idea about when will be the UCO Bank PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (PO) interview when exam help ON 30 Jan 2011. anyone got call letters or email ?


Dear Friends, I am doing my MCA Final Year. I am selected for postal assistant examination?. I want to go for job only. But i don't have eye sight of 6/12. will they reject after selecting me? Kindly reply


Hi,I have been selected for interview for probationary officer for Vijaya bank. Please send questions that may be asked in interview at kandwalrinkaj@gmail.com. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


i have cleared IBPS exam I have done instrumentation engineer In PO interview what should i say when panel ask How will i be beneficial to bank???? Please help me


how to crack bank po written exam?


Hello sir/madam... I'm one of the selected candidate among recently held Postal Assistance Cadre.. I have been selected for the postal branch SBCO (Savings bank Control Office)... I wanted to know about the sort of work assigned to us in this post and also I have one more query. As the selection for above mentioned post is done on the basis of II PU eligibility, will I be able to apply for higher posts as a part of departmental exams?? Because I have finished my engineering Graduation in Computer Science.. Is there any higher posts which suits for my knowledge base....?? Please help me out with my questions.. It will be very helpful for me...


Can Any one tell me the Interview questions for Bank PO? My qualification is MCA.


can any bank PO aspirant tell me what should be the ideal answer to these questions asked usually in interview. 1.why banking 2.how commerce can help in banking 3.As I am a commerce graduate i want to know what to prepare in subject or what are questions generally related to account subject asked in bank po interview.please help me friends .reply as soon as possible. if U could suggest me i on any above questions i would be really grateful to U