Answer Posted / mohan
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I wanna to learn RFT can anyone send me the learning material including demo. I am working on mainframe based project using RFT, but don't have that much knowledge of java scripts so need to learn.
Explain Robot?s command line options?
If we write the script for login page and click on submit boutton then it opens order page...How we can validate that opened page is wether orderpage or not?
Could any one share scripts... where we can Parameterize radio buttons and Check boxes.
Explain the use of "testobject root = getroottestobject();" in rft?
What is the purpose of the Trap options?
How can you automate your project?
Hi this is chandra if any one have Navigation of LAB RATIONAL ROBOT I want Navigation of those tools, if any one have the and know the Navigation each and every part of the Rational Robot and plz send me my mail naruboinac@yahoo. com,naruboinas@
What information is contained in the Datapool_config section?
How do you analyze results after playback?
How to test java applications and what settings you need to do?
How to record & run on japanese language application using english version of ibm?
How we write a java script using RFT for the below scenario iam having dropdown list COUNTRY(it contains india,us,uk...) once we select the india in that list it will open the corresponding states in STATES dropdown list. i would like to change those values dynamically... can u pls send me the coding....
Which of these is not a kind of report in Rational Test Manager a. Performance Report b. Build Listing Report c. Test Plan Report d. Test Case Report
How will you do data driven testing using Robot?