NNO-00258: cannot load configuration from configuration database
Answer Posted / guest
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to load the
server's configuration from the configuration database. If
more information is available, it will appear under this
error. This error will cause the server to shut down.
Action: Make sure that the database is running, that its
name and password as specified in the Oracle Network Manager
are accurate, and that there is SQL*Net connectivity between
the Oracle Names server and the database. To force the
server to start up anyway, using its checkpoint data, start
the server with the names.no_region_database parameter set
to TRUE. If no checkpoint data is available, the server will
shut down.
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Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...
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